Friday, 12 December 2014

Why do they not just quit?

All the nutbars believe in natural law. So to try and keep human performace at a price the world can not afford is going against natural law. Entertianment is what we do as humans, it has replaced picking nates from other apes as number one.
Time after time the powers that be fail miserably when they try to make something humans have always accepted a toll highway. Make me wait this is reasonable but after a year, its mine. Dead media that might have some life in my world. If your smart you would sell it to me in a pristine fourm without all the bullshit. I would pay.Today the price is free so just snacthing a fact I would say a dollar a day for every creation more than a year old. The artist could  be paid by the downloads and the goverment could finance the production costs. The thing is and it hurts the CIA who I think finance so much wierd shit, that every country will contribute. Telling a story is an artform. We have seen that the Swedes have made this perfect, for us non Swedes. The americans have ruled the globe with the same rules since Rafistione hit the sand.

I have no idea why, and any link that says he does not think I am crazy would be published I have an internet friend. He is a warrior of the future. I am just a fan that reconized a great precince. He is one of the unbelievablely smart people in this world who have pointed their mind in a difficult diredtion.

I do not care if your left or right. I appreciate advanced degrees. Time was these people could tut  tut any stupid moves by the polical class. Harper came in and said that the farmer with prairie gas farted more knowlege than everyone that ever graduated from a McGill class.

People of ths earth that are not aborigionals now define Canada.Yep its true
and we have seen other juristicianos
like Austrial
fall to Harper like

This could happen in Canada
next election
I can only say
be sure to vote.

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