Saturday 27 January 2024

Well Well Well if you dont know your going to be a snitch

 Yeah whats a snitch

you son of a ///

context is


First post in a hundred years of history and still no clear

 The Russkies are winning in Ukraine.

However how may Russkies want to die for

Ukraine, You got to convice the  YTES that a thosaund

years plus of history applies in the battlefield of today.

Anything the Russians do does not matter

because I will just call the insurance company

and they will fill the void forever.

I wanna live

I wanna live

I have lived through many trials

and I wanna live

even though my song

was not so strong

But I had one and

I sung 

ad I got at least

one one gun salute

like Warren Zevon

I am the Lawyer and the Werewolf

span and now I am watching 

the switching yard

because if they are going

to transport a werewolf

over international borders

they canm go to Texas or Canada

and wee give more coats/

Saturday 13 January 2024

Jan 2024 we have a winter that is paradise

 Sio add up subtract

take the balance 

to the bank

and if you 

quailfy no questions

no asks

this is this is this