Tuesday 3 October 2017

legal combat deaths in a City

Image result for images of city of death
What darkness
did the shooter
see before
he opened
up legally
on a crowd
of good
getting down?

I would really like
to know for sure
in the USA
there is litteraly
a mass shooting
every day
and if that
is not some
heat map
you want
to send
to the centers
of disease
you are not
in control
of mathamatics
or maybe you
in high school
and the parents
got you to university
where you majored
in party
and graduated
with full honors
and now your
in charge
like a five
year old
in mortal combat
with a herd of sheep
and you remain
having conqured
many humans
and a whole
army of

So daddy says
and you say
fuck off
but he still
gives you
enough poker
chips to rise
above the ashes
and shake off
and learned
enough to be
president of the
hats off to Donald
that guy may have
been born on third
base but he
has always got
home and he
has one everywhere
not one of them paid
off because
its all about cash flow
and inflation
and ruling
the nation
cause he
needs to bring
his will
to your life
and make
the nation
great agian
not a cream
the skies are
full and the rooms
are filled
with refuge
for wealth
and single user
cruise ships
and I forgot
to mention
the economic
value of bomb
shelters and the
wisdom of preppers
who are in my
estimation hetrosexual
boy scouts
not that there is anything
wrong with being Gay
but leave the Scots
alone and stop
fucking them up
the ass just because
you maniplated
an entire nation
into stand up
that would make
the biggest patriot
take a knee

So all these crazy
people with no other
skill but weapons
training get to open
up on us
for real
and our only recouse
is to thank God
he killed himself
before he hit
is that not
the eulogy
of the last

Here in Canada
we face a much differant
although we
have an Alt-right
generation that
want to stop
the women from
killing babies
they do not want
and let everyone
who can pull
a trigger
take down
who was cofused
by the act
of standing ground

In the world today
life is cheap and
the more we
work that way
the weaker we
get untill
some silverback
is going to
and their

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