This dream was defined by
Piere Elliot Trudeau
the real father of Canada
His dream was for a just
After you obtain this
goal nothing else
goverment does
really matters
and in the scale
of human countries
your always going
to place in the top
ten no matter how
hard the invisible
hand sits
on the scale
The future for
him which is today
proves him overwhelmingly
right on issues
the right does
not even want
to remember let alone
but I must bring to
light the dreaded
National Energy Policy
he lost an election to
Brian Mulroney partly on
the support of Alberta
for this blockage
of Canada enjoying
the bounty of its
natural resouces
Instead the Americans
got our Oil
and Norway took our
plan and created with
way less oil and way
less time a surpluss
of over a trillion dollars
Dont start me on free
which Trudeau
rightly saw as
because free
is managed
and we can never
manage anything
in our favour with
the boss USA
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