Friday, 6 March 2015

Terrorist talking point done well

Michael Zehaf-Bibeau claimed he was doing
a logical thing
getting some
on Canada for
killing his
adopted people

Despite his despicable tactics its a pretty
good argument
for Canada to examine
just what the hell we are doing?

If you do not buy the big lie
that if we do not fight them in Tikrit
they will be in Trout Crick
then just what is all the killing aboot?

In my mind the Taliban on the crazy
blinded by God level
are just a bit more enlightened
than the Spanish Inquisition
or the Winston Salem
witch trials.

You do not fight an epidemic of ignorance
with 500 lb bombs
you need 500 lb batteries
powering local area networks
which content the tablets
of liberty. For the third world
lets spare no expense and make
them bullet proof

Like every problem
since the invention of currency
the cure is always monetary
Old very rich people
sclerotic and sedentary
facing death
and seeking eternal light
are at the root
funding starups
of the religious part
These have been so successful
that the Christians have spent trillions of
dollars to stamp them out
but like any well funded
tech if you squeeze the balloon
it only gets larger

Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pastafarians 

and all of the above
have spent over the last decade way over
a trillion dollars to bring the Islamic terrorists to justice
The net result to date a million more perps.
No high frequency trader alogram would invest
a nano cent in this case of the horse long out 
of the barn running free and buying sniper
rifles to silence the horse whispers
Regardless for every action there is an equal and positive
Which makes the question how the hell
did the enemy succecced
they must have had a few
dollars blow their
way from a dessert kingdom
in some obvious way
but we cant look at the obvious
we must deal in the fear
is there a chance
that the military apparatus
is buying space
on the Saudi Wahhabi

Latest cost estimates on that time
to the taxpayer about $100 Billion a year
and escalating
Many people are not aware that the US military
took action alledgedly and not proven
and not acknowledged with or with out
a national security ban
in 110 countries in the past year

How many ways can this go wrong?
Ethicaly challenged para miltiatires
running wild
becoming Billionares
is that not what changed
Russia from a punching bag
into a thorn in the crown?

At some point 
and I can define that better
socialism became a threat
to the good old boys
drinking at the national security well
That point was just after Al Gore invented
the internet
America was on a flight plan to be
deficit free
and pay off the debt
before the trun of the century

Into the battle they through GWB
Chupaztz rewarded in a tough fight
but they got what they wanted
and its world choaes every day now
just try and board a flight
with your genitals not emailed
if they are special

There are a glaxy of nerds
who want your genitals
and they are just plotting'
the time and place
that is what you should 
be afraid of 
not the Islamic race

I cant say that I have been 
all and seen all and lived all
no that is not my place

What I can say is that I was
a fortunate salary man
who traveled everywhere
without limos and bodyguards
and interacted with the local
people like brothers in arms

My overwhelming conclusion is
we are all the same
we all have the same concerns
and the politians play fear and
patriotism to disguise the tweaking
of the legitimate systems 
that obviously where not
built to last

At 17 I was in a dark theatre
one of only two white men
in the theater. (In a Black Country)
For me and my friend this was
nothing we would later comment on
we just went to a movie 
That was 1976 today it would
be a feature on Today and how we survied the above.

The Greeks invented leverage
and the wedge
and today 
I think its better
we all understand
that leverage
was meant to multiply power 
not to give 
the manipulators
strength that in real life
would leave them shattered
in any human encounter

I commet
make no mistake in my opinion what ever his name was is a scumbag, a disase. If I had been there I would have shot himself as soon as he raised that rife. I am sure glad thats not my job. But the fact is that scum grows fasting than cleaning. So we need a cleansing. But in the world today its no longer enought for a schored earth. All actions should be examined in the sustainablity. This is where we are failing badly in the Muslim war. I grew up in a discracful era, where we were taught the only good Indian (Native Canadian) was a dead one. I never had to kill a native person thank GOD! As far as I am concerned the Native peoples have a voice that we must hear if we are to be a nation in 21. Some of it fucked up but we got to make peace with these people, and wiping them out is not a option.

The question that arises over and over and over again should we have an Arab Holoucust to save the Jews. IMHO that is the Netanyahoo position. I want to save the Jews. I want to save everyone but the JEWS come to the top of the pirority list. Imagine the world was a hockey team and the nations got to draft for various positions. That not a fantsy its true, and Jews are filling many of the big spots, top six and depth. This is no conspiracy, this is no JEW
world. Same goes for the Muslims, they are just people people, same fears same Gods and same lack of understanding.

So lets vote for a goverment that welcomes everyone instead of one that tells you to be afraid of your neighbour.

1 comment:

  1. make no mistake in my opinion what ever his name was is a scumbag, a disase. If I had been there I would have shot himself as soon as he raised that rife. I am sure glad thats not my job. But the fact is that scum grows fasting than cleaning. So we need a cleansing. But in the world today its no longer enought for a schored earth. All actions should be examined in the sustainablity. This is where we are failing badly in the Muslim war. I grew up in a discracful era, where we were taught the only good Indian (Native Canadian) was a dead one. I never had to kill a native person thank GOD! As far as I am concerned the Native peoples have a voice that we must hear if we are to be a nation in 21. Some of it fucked up but we got to make peace with these people, and wiping them out is not a option.

    The question that arises over and over and over again should we have an Arab Holoucust to save the Jews. IMHO that is the Netanyahoo position. I want to save the Jews. I want to save everyone but the JEWS come to the top of the pirority list. Imagine the world was a hockey team and the nations got to draft for various positions. That not a fantsy its true, and Jews are filling many of the big spots, top six and depth. This is no conspiracy, this is no JEW
    world. Same goes for the Muslims, they are just people people, same fears same Gods and same lack of understanding.

    So lets vote for a goverment that welcomes everyone instead of one that tells you to be afraid of your neighbour.
