Saturday 25 April 2020

And the band played on

Scandals of Classic Hollywood: Ronald Reagan Plays the President ...
Ok you are the smartest monkey
according to many Gods gift to
the planet
The earth is a human with a lifecyle
in the billions of years
and it like everything else
on this planet is geared to making
some kind of fantastic garden
with moving parts
and villages
and everything a scale rail roader
could every wish for
and should Neil Young
who is one the biggest
moders of history
want to make those trains
deliver essential supplies
I would be signing up

Ronald Reagan  left a 

posined chalice that left
the world in control of
the right people
who may have
all graduated in the
same class
and they have been
much more rapid
and stable
and profit generating
than 5 G

Who cares who

runs 5 G its
like arguing
about the best 
cell carrier or
streaming service
they all just want
one thing
and one thing only
the thing that moves everything
its persuading you to voluntarily
work for free 
with the chance of

Marshall McLuhan kind of understood

although compared to the thinkingaboot
minds of today we have skyscrapers
of intelligent thought to copy
he was the first to understand that

George Herbert Wallace Bush was a man

from another century
Could we say his testamentary is filled
with racism, Nazi worship and
just a whole string of bad
things that have shaped the
world for decades. NO we cant
because he was the last President
that understood they are the President

Geroge Herbert Walllace Bush

coined the phrase
Vodoo Economics
because he was an incredibly
intelligent person.
Reagan may have been
smart or something else
A few decades ago they released
the writings of Ronald Reagan
and compared to Trump
they would replace
the three laws
of thermodynamics
At the very moment these monuments
to self promotion were released
George Herbert Walker Bush's
son by far least likely to be President
was reeling due to kinda
working 18th century in the world
Nevertheless the press secretary
always wanting to give the press
some wonderful shinny thing
that will not hurt
rushed to Babs Bush and
pleaded for GWB papers
so they could buff and polish them
until the looked like Shakespeare
with an accent and a 100 word
vocabulary limit. Babs despondently said
I am sorry I burned all his colouring books
when he announced. Those books
would have showed he
was some kind of artist

Reagan got a huge boost

on the influences scale
meaning that using his
name to advance ridiculous
policy just
got more authority 
and a group think
if not a myth
and a legend
that was true

I could go on 

and on and on
but I keep on keeping on
because I believe in history
as bad as it seems today
is light years ahead of the
world only 50 years ago

Yet the myths. superstition
and just plan lizard brain
programming are keeping
us down while
the Man expands
the empire
all round
there is no escape from
the man today
they can spell
about you  faster and better
and 1000 times a minute
more often
just checking to 
see if the song
remains the same

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