Sunday 1 August 2021

What if the man who invented gas warfare geocide and the concentration camp was a hero?


I can not say what

horse soldier

what hero of south afriand


and pink flyiod


could be described

with a bust

that sits on a desk


the time where MI% os alive

and handoff sitrap

sitrap I learned from

Dexter along with Nato

call signs

Whiskey Tango Delta

Romeo out

jesus and a baby

and its a go

into the unkowen

but the wrost ablouste thing that

can happen from any one of these

unicororn missiions is the wrong

people die

and I dont have the stats

but I like

sports and what a good shooting percentage

would apply to a persn

a complete unkonw

wh has signed up

to fight

fithg t and fight for

what is right

because the USA
has so many enemies we

got to fight

every day for our


and that is absolutely

and so full of dread

and King Kunute


that I can not

contemplate what


if the clay


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