Friday 27 July 2018

King Ford

Image result for images of sun king
BTW as a history major I love the concept of communication between remote parties in writing. The best biz lesson I learned at Western was how Canada and America was administered from over home. It took 3 months sometimes for the letter to arrive and similar to get back. Yet we progressed and people who believed it was better to ask forgiveness than permission came to rule our world.

Today for Canada was a great day for history, if not for Canadians. I doubt you buy into any of that hate Toronto Anglos envy. There are so many other reasons to hate Toronto Anglo besides envy. I was born and raised an Anglo. At its base its a terrible culture. The problem for the human race is that in the game of civilization it has proven in modern times to be incredibly successful. One key example in in the university where every biz major and MBA is indoctrinated beyond belief to believe that a marketing driven company is the only way to profit. Apple , Tesla, Amazon and to some extent Facebook prove that model is false. Yet people still work at our lizard brains to shake the nickles from our pockets. Yes competive capitalsit companies need to shake the nickels and dimes out of peoples because the dollars have already been claimed by the goverment and the plutocracy which is best represented
in Marshall McLuhan words by the Media. The message is bullshit. Case in point and to circle back to the point I am trying to make. Doug Ford decried today in a imperial proclamation to change what is democracy in Ontario in fundamental ways. Justin IMHO ran on the plank of proportional representation replacing the ephemera of first past the plank democracy with the real thing. Even though he won a mandate he got cold feet at giving the people democracy.

Doug Ford basically ran at nothing except being Trump light. I did not vote for him but recognized that after 14 years the liberals where rotten to the core and really in the scheme of things a change would do us good.

Today in an absolute train wreck of the rails of reason that
makes Canada the envy of the world as a place where despite our Anglo my way or the highway traditions we
adapt and reason and bring forward from the forge
a comprise everyone can live with Doug Ford declares
himself Ceaser and the possible is an insult to his perfection.

The worst part of the whole incident is that a majority
is going to agree with him because they hate politicians
so much they want to throw the bathwater of democracy
out with the bathwater.

I dont want to be hyperbolic. The Germans if we lived on a Star Trek planet would be the Vulcans. Germany did the holocaust the most incredibly stupid public policy of all time. Yet the spin-doctors of the time made it incredibly popular.

The Jews where easy targets. The whole Catholic thing.  As a genome Jews where incredibly successful punching way above their weight in almost every field. But as Bob Dlyan said this was because the culture was not based upon pulling someone down into the hole you are in. Today all our politics seems to be based upon this appeal to the lizard brain. I do not know how to send this message to Canada but we need to sharpen our defense against this message. Because if we continue to hear and accept it bad things are going to happen.

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