Tuesday 13 September 2022

Diamonds dance on my sitrap as I try to absorb what the fuck in actually going on


As you know anything you believe the more you believe it

the less likely it is to be trune

lets look at gravity

in school they will talk endlessly about  nine point eight meters per sec that i some kind of barrier that must be overcome to deafeat gravity

but it works both ways

comminng back is harder

because gravity hates a beat down

Russia and Ukranine reamain in 

a very brutal ballet

where the script could

be abannoded at any minute

and that would bring the whole

stage down

Putin does not have door 3 

he has victory or death

and I hope

I and none of of our readers

die in a thermonuclear war

but it seems

that aside from the war games

in the Ukraine

both sides have not

yet decided when to blink

That blink time is comming fast

and I hope the NHL season can

start before that

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