Sunday 21 July 2019

What if they put a man on the moon?

One small step for a human
one giant leap for humanity
as they would say today
50 years later
we  are still moving sideways
Imagine if just the money spent
pounding sand in Iraq and Syria had
been redirected to colonizing mars
we would be all Kim Stanley Robinson
by now
with space elevators defying gravity

What happened
After thinkingaboot it
I think I know
It was the corrupting influence
of power combined with 
instant gratification
the competition for wealth
sold out science for profit

 Juan  Juan Puerto Rico should
be a paradise 
but its not because of corruption
hard to imagine
but what if you city, your province
or state or even your whole damm
country just managed the curtain better?

The race between technology and common
sense continues to prove we are just smart monkiees
nothing more

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