Saturday, 30 November 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Something is happening Mr Denier
Photo by Hilary White
The photo shows dried up lakes in the Canadian North. Lakes that have been in balance for centuries. I use the analogy to smoking, whose harm was coincidentally denied for decades using the same tactics and in many cases the same people as climate change deniers. Smokestacks and tailpipes are the worlds cigarettes. Deniers will say man can not harm something as big as the earth, just like a little tobacco could not harm something as massive as a human. But the fact is man puts out way more gas than volcanoes, and no one denies that a single volcano like Krakatoa changed the world climate in dramatic and immediate fashion. I fear we have passed a tipping point and will have to ride this change to the bottom and hope that a thousand years from now the earth can recover again. And please please you mad scientists do not inflict any of your terra forming schemes on our only home.
Killing the Blues
Why don't more artists cover John Prine?
The credits on the CD do not have Prine as the songwriter, but if you google the song he is. Blame the Lawyers
If you wan to learn how to play this song, a written by John Prine
Affordable Metal Roofing
I follow home construction trends and innovations. Two staples of home construction IMHO should be banned, asphalt shingles and vinyl siding. Affordable replacements now exist. Metal roofs are warranted 55 years and should last indefinitely. The cost of a 50 year fiberglass backed shingle may still be lower but I expect in a hundred years three actual replacements.
Fiberglass faux stone on the other hand would be my choice of siding.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Person of the year
Thinking Aboot the possibility that Miley Cyrus could be Time Magazines person of the year. Time magazine and their ilk are like some kind of phantom appendage that we can feel but no longer have any use. I consider myself extraordinarily informed, and have not read a hard copy of Time in ten years and might have looked at it on line once in the past five years, and that was only related to an entertainment story. But I remember when Life and Time where the last word on critical thought. Unfortunately for both companies and society in general critical thought no longer wins most popular at the thought beauty pageant. Its disgusting to watch national news broadcasts with at least one item of things in your fridge will kill you, and always end with some heroic nobody who deals with a universal problem as most would. Marketers have found that just like they can sell damaging to the body sugar and salt stimulants to our taste experience, they can sell false intellectual stimulation damaging to the mind to make us feel informed. Want to rebel and be radical, don't get immunized.
Life is a struggle. The Disney circle of life is real.
That's a fact the manipulators exploit endlessly to hack the synopses of our
lizard brain interface. Humans are animals and share every basic programming
structure as the simplest of creatures. Do squirrels and mice fall in love and
look at the best nest provider as the one most likely to entice. They do not as
far as I can see fight for females like Caribou, Moose and Malibu. I really
dont know about dolphins and whales and how smart they are. For sure they have never manipulated their
reality to make a submarine. Humans are
magnificent in their ability to strip down mystery, and even the things they
never wondered about to make an understanding of the human condition. The human
condition has never been better, but the human condition is not great. The
first problem with the human condition is overpopulation. Because we are so
smart, so sentient we can breed unnaturally. When other species fuck to much
nature corrects, for better or worse humans have hacked the code and are out of
control. However in the past humans have been restrained by resources and many
a great civilization based upon faith has petered out.
Today we are almost God depending upon the particle
and the Virgin birth is already in the living rooms
of people with enough wealth. But the fact remains
you can not take more than you put back
this is a constraint, a natural push back
Its the law of conservation of energy
its the girl of your dreams going away
Its something we should be taught
in school, so when we
vote we do not elect
a person riding on
the Flintstone was a reality
show platform.
Back to Miley. This is a total push to capitulate.
Cant sing well, looks like hell
a new world Joan of Arc
Can work the public
like a heart attack
in her near nudes
an actual flesh domes
Its so shocking
I will make her album
number one.
I am so old
I do not know
what modern beauty holds
I know for example
that do to woody tomcats
feed to the millions
at fast food restaurants
real tomatoes make
these consumers
spit out those nutrients
because they are different
Change is different
and as a survival skill
change was all about
the pioneers getting the arrows
and the smart people
patenting those
peculiar behaviors.
The future is all about desentizing the past.
What was what considered normal should now be a crime.
People should stand in line proving they can be true.
I warn you right now
and Hitler proved it true
a highly intelligent cultured populist is
as venerable to a committed psychopath
as making oxygen is to trees
Given history it should seem so prosaic
all those dilators
all those creator of human
misery where less happy
then a pensioner in a
house of cats
without a favorable
History has proven
to take the crown
or event to be given one
does not in the long term please
people are a simple folk
and when you try and merge
high tech or low tech authority
with a position its guaranteed
to bleed,
Back to the topic
who can succeed.
So with this noble
sacrament in my heart
I say Edward Snowdon
is the man indeed,
No man or woman
has sacrificed so much
just to tell us
the way we
look at the world
was hypocrisy
bundled with so much.
Next year one of Kims Kardasinms
plastic breasts will person of the year, and
for at least 399 days we will speculate could the other
breast usurp this geometry.
Listen citizens to the rabble of default
there is no solution
government itself is at fault
No that's not the way
government was constructed
in old England to keep
the lords at bay
and yes they could
make a fortune easily
exploiting the citizens
that gave them hegemony
Think life is great and yoiu
should not hesitate
wake up Zombie
you are but a slave
and the powers that be
will manipulate you
into an early grave
and calculate over
that event how
much profit
they had from your existence
and how they can squeeze
a few more . more whatever
from your directly related
totally measly programmed
decedents score.
If your worried about war with Iran or China your
sorely misguided the war is at your
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Dead Silence Computer Case Fans
Letter 44:Buy Superman Issue # 1 for only a dollar
Of course that's not possible, but there is a good possibility that Letter 44 issue number one is the next big first edition collectible, IMHO it will be bigger than The Walking Dead. Letter 44 is about secret history. In summary the new president of the United States gets a letter from the last one telling of Aliens building something huge in the asteroid belt.
If you want to buy be careful, Issue one first edition is sold out and they have printed a second edition. Normally second editions are worthless, but I have not heard of a graphic novel having a immediate reprint, so there may still be some value in the second edition, and issue number two goes on sale today, and its a first printing.
I have to put a plug in for Pulp Comics. Totally old school and totally up school.
Breaking News Letter 44 headed to the TV. Issue one on eBay seems to be around twenty dollars. Issue one Walking Dead in NM condition on E bay is around two thousand dollars, consider yourself informed.
Eight Biggest Allied Mistakes of WW2
I would add bombing Nagasaki. And agree with Kurt Vonnegut Jr that the fire bombing of Dresden was not only a mistake it was a war crime. Of course easy to say looking way back in time.
Monday, 25 November 2013
E Car out of the box
This battery car has a trailer with a gas generator. So with a little inconvenience no more range anxiety. Its one way to have your battery cake and eat your unlimited range at the same time. Around town leave the trailer at home. Its a really cool solution that has been towed around for decades. See all the details at Jalopnik.
The brains behind this and much of the EV world is AC Propulsion.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
More Nonsese
everything that washes overme
it washes over yu
and that cesspools
of flesh carries us on
to a future were
the ones that did not
carry a load
could tell us what
we should know
and in the courtrayad
they put on a perfrace that he
harest crtic would say only bravo
broavo, broavo' brravo
dotnt you know
the the knife is at your neck
for such a bullshit show
Its not easy to make a perfect planett=
I love hockey like a mother teat
Is this not some kind of mind control
even if my mother did not move me in this pursit
Sport is war with referrees and for the most part no
So why do we care so much
why do we spend so mcuh
to know our team is the one
that stands alone in this
competienn on the distant
planet on the edge of the milkey way gulch
What I am trying to say
and you should all relizes
being the best phiscal speciam with't
the bese allies
does not mean
your going to be
a saintesd heart at
the end of all comprimise.
No things take off'
they fly away
some days a muslim is a freedom fighter'
the other day he is taliban
and should be blown away
So seeek down deep into
your perfection of demcracy sleep
and what you will find
after so much docerate study
is a marxaist thises
Yes Capitaism is good
it manages the kitchen table as we
knew it all should
But when the kitchen table rules
beyond wood and screws
then the world should tremble
bennieth the task that
no one should
control the world
and make up laws
and twist the
ddmal scinedc we
call ecomonics to
promote liese,
Many a writter has
observed this scene
some writing fiction
some propelling the dream
there is a symbiosis
between information and power
and in this modern age
there is no doubt
all the fuel they have
is feeding the same fire.
A fire that burns
as they all do
every thing in this world
has a faced a fire
and burned but come p
out at the end not as scarrced a
as firewood.
Do not lick your wounds
there is not time
we are now on a timetable
where failure
means the end of the
human game.
Some could talk
common sense.
some could reign
on friends of royal substance
but in the end
we just ignore
that hard headed
titanium tipped '
willed bore.
Formula for Winning
Nobody is entirely bad or completely good. Okay Harper is an exception. But Chocula whipped this team to gCHuck levels but the defensive logic remains. Goat may smell like blue cheese but in retrospect he made some great moves.
Time slides like TFS on a two on one, and the best way to defeat it is to not compromise. If you were take an advanced digit scale and measure a Stanley cup winner by the kilogram of heart, that would give any GM the diet needed to bring his will to victory. The good news is that there has never been more talent available. Thats why most NHL games look like the conclusion of an action movie between Bruce Lee and Jason Statham. Ten years ago it was just get some good players and hope for the best. Now its down to sizing up DNA and putting a girl with big breast behind the glass.
In all the gin joints of the world how did I end up in this one devoid of gin?
However there may be a substitute, pure mental alcohol.
I wear a pretty little device of my own design
Dial up to the lizard brain what ever
chemical consolations'
I can do before I go insane
IMHO this device will be best marketed
with some kind of timer
Now some investors will
say I am just a crazy old timer
but I implore you to see
and take measures
that ensure you
are not part of a vast conspiracy
Listen and Google you lazy kids
Nick Drake
You have a chance to understand
even though the message was
written fifty years ago
Time slides like TFS on a two on one, and the best way to defeat it is to not compromise. If you were take an advanced digit scale and measure a Stanley cup winner by the kilogram of heart, that would give any GM the diet needed to bring his will to victory. The good news is that there has never been more talent available. Thats why most NHL games look like the conclusion of an action movie between Bruce Lee and Jason Statham. Ten years ago it was just get some good players and hope for the best. Now its down to sizing up DNA and putting a girl with big breast behind the glass.
In all the gin joints of the world how did I end up in this one devoid of gin?
However there may be a substitute, pure mental alcohol.
I wear a pretty little device of my own design
Dial up to the lizard brain what ever
chemical consolations'
I can do before I go insane
IMHO this device will be best marketed
with some kind of timer
Now some investors will
say I am just a crazy old timer
but I implore you to see
and take measures
that ensure you
are not part of a vast conspiracy
Listen and Google you lazy kids
Nick Drake
You have a chance to understand
even though the message was
written fifty years ago
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Interactive Like a Rolling Stone a must do
I did not flip through all the channels on this interactive version of the Bob Dylan classic. However every one was great, Bob is singing and everyone from a BBC news anchor to contestants on the Bachelor are mouthing the lyrics with suitable visuals accompaniment. Its all part of the marketing for a new collection of Dylan's masterworks. Be fore warned even though 14 of the albums have been remastered, there is some controversy about the sound quality. It should have been released in 24 bit high res audio, guess they are going to go back to the trough of Dylan fans to sell the same old songs once again in the future. If you want to sample some digital downloads go here. I sampled a few tunes, some sounded a bit harsh but Tommy wow!
H/T to Boing Boing.
Weather proof your House
Mike Holmes does a great job of explaining how to weatherproof your house. Dimpled membranes for the basement.
Nov 22, 1963
Like most I do not believe the official version of either the Kennedy Assassination or 911. After all these years its very unlikely a clean story of what happened in Daley Plaza will emerge. The magic bullet strains credulity. This copper jacketed bullet "If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination" .Yet the bullet seems to have lost no mass, and the Governor still has lead fragments in his body. Who ever heard of a bullet falling out of a victim? This is an interesting and compelling new look that asks you who do you believe, the Warren Commission or your own lying eyes?
Lots of books finger LBJ, and some believe he and GHWB were close.
Just ask yourself, how realistic is it for LBJ to not run for a second term?
Was Bob Woodward a CIA plant? Was Watergate a false flag operation designed to control Nixon? Why was Nixon in Dallas the day of the assassination and who maneuvered him there?
3D Scanner for the masses
Imagine scanning yourself and then printing custom made clothes, its in your near future. The Star Trek replicator will be the hot Christmas gift of 2020.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Fight Back
when time is on your side
you walk a path so wide
every tree is something
you can topple because
it will fall on you not me
sometime someway this goes away
but for others this feeling is here to stay
and you know what
and you know why
and you know where
and you know what
and you know that when
is everyday the sun shines
so what to do when
your house is fine
but the landloard
has hard soles in
his soft shoes
We are prisoners of
the attack
the way forward
is to aggressively
fight back
End of the Road
More songs about buildings and food
is that not what the talking heads said
now twenty years later its
all we should be talking about
this endless stream to taking
is about to come to to an abrupt
Finical manipulation can
no longer put food on the table
in lands where climate change
has decided the growth must die
Bunker down or move up
we are on fire
we know it
but the powers that be
spend billions to deny it
Paradise Found
I was going to the sand
and I thought about it
for a very long time
Hawaii is place
that is out of time
its just paradise
as defined in the
contemporary mind.
Been there done that
would not disagree
but if I won the lottery
it would be days of lays
for you and me.
Who Rules?
I am singing I am in full voice
this world is the best of the worst
so tell me know
and do mont comports
what is the problem
that most vexes the experts
Its the hidden economy
that dominates despite the obvious
Yep some people they prey
upon the body politic
its their great payday
When a talking point
about businesses
is key to a new front
about living
we should all be
afraid that the mob
is picking and choosing
where we will have a suitable grave
They are bad boys always and again
and I see no evidence
that the theory they control the government
is just some one saying when/
Slaves rise up
I am exhausted clicking that mouse
twenty four hours a day
Yes I tried a touch screen
but it was worse
my need for up to date
information has changed
from a blessing to a curse
Like really what do I care
about an explosion in
Pakistani when my own situation
in a personal way is way worse
So deflect and compensate
the world you live in is not the worst
Is this the message we should all accept
you could be a slave so take that twelve dollar job
and hope it will evolve
Storage for a big rock singer
InYeah I want to wrap my arms around her, I want to hold
her, tight in this world ofsilcone ant botock makes me want to hold her tight,
she is a woman that not needs some chemical compromise. Looking at brides I see so much honesty,
so when the deed is done, why do alterations on the chosen
I gotta tell you I have been married for multiple decades
an I would never brag about the outflow
that one or another
did not juggle
like a circus show
in Las Vegas
making the salient point surrender
some kind of moot point of law'
that makes appointees judges irrelevant
because of I can not rule
on my own daughters extravagance
how can I ever pay pack.
Thinking Aboot the end of death
How am I going to occupy all those hours
from now till the time
I die
Thats the question that our rapidly
decreasing chances of mortality
is fetching
Bordom and backgammon
and and and Golf
they do not fill the gap
when you are a high achiever
watching Oprah does not fill the gulf
Men like to fuck and fight
and when your old
both are fraught with danger
when you can not perform
and it makes us mad
because our bones
are so old
How will society compensate
for a generation that will
not take a place
in the ground we used to anticipate
We gotta Queen that might live to 99
In every Hamlet whats going to happen
when that's all that is going on all the time
Mericans pulling strings in Canada
So now we know JFK did everything possible to defeat Diefenbaker. So ask yourself what did GWB do to bring Harper to power? How big was Reagan in the Mulroney years. Canada crying US tears,
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Articial Craton
I have lived with Jew and Muslim and lived to blog about it. My point is that anyone who tells you something about a group is misguided. Its an easy target but its not the truth. The truth is humans are like chimps, we all like to swing our arms around and love our families. Any aggressive behavior is part of humans unatural comprise. So help me God that's what make us human. And by the way I do not believe in God.
Problem with the People
If you read what I say you will get where I sleep.
NOt that the people are harmleess
in the manger were I bleep
cause bull droppings from;
goat or sheep is still the same shise
So knowing that what to do
in the great middle east
the focus of attention from the reccrding of
some medieval feast.
Today we struggle to find some
moral eqivincaly between the
dot com entepueou
and the intellectual thief/
NO one wants to understand
thier lifesyle is on the
firing line.
So easy to kill
so hard to undestand
somewhere thee is a place
where making the business of humankind
is superior to making
your grandchildren into
the killing kind.
How stupid is hate
when you tell your
children its a portal
to heaven gate
NOt that the people are harmleess
in the manger were I bleep
cause bull droppings from;
goat or sheep is still the same shise
So knowing that what to do
in the great middle east
the focus of attention from the reccrding of
some medieval feast.
Today we struggle to find some
moral eqivincaly between the
dot com entepueou
and the intellectual thief/
NO one wants to understand
thier lifesyle is on the
firing line.
So easy to kill
so hard to undestand
somewhere thee is a place
where making the business of humankind
is superior to making
your grandchildren into
the killing kind.
How stupid is hate
when you tell your
children its a portal
to heaven gate
Blame Santa Cllase
So many people believe in some fairy tale, I just gotta say.
Anyone who has a problem with the JEWS has a problem with
By the force of nature Jews have always been fiscal
conservatives, and that lifesyle put them into the ovens. I love modern Germany
and Modern Austria, but intrinsic to the state their remains
some grandfathers son
that still believes
what his parents taught
him from a young age
the fact that your DNA
leads to a world without comprise
So looking at redemption
I see a prison for free thought
we are all going to be in jail
because we created a world
were one idiot can make us all crazy
In the old days we would have said insane
now its exclusively a national security explian.
The Sopranos tells the story of our powerless lives
In a marathon session I have just finished re watching the
Sopranos. If you are a fan and confused about the conclusion, I offer clarity.
Reading this will save you a week of solid viewing. In terms of wisdom a week
of solid viewing of the Sopranos is equal to a lifetime of experience. Spoiler,
I tease till the end.
Entertainment is the opposite of boredom. We seek
experiences that create a thrill in our minds. The most ancient and most
egalitarian source of positive mental stimulation is story telling. Powerful creators have always fed an
insatiable mass of human need. As we increasingly observe humans are easily
entertained. We have become a mean in a statistical sense population of non
discriminating entertainment addicts. Rap music and reality TV are proof that
our entertainment addiction will purchase trash because just like junk food its
perfectly engineered to appeal with force surrounding our lizard brains.
What do the content creators stripped of agents, consultants
and focus groups want to say? Every picture tells a story, every story has a
secret message. At its core entertainment is photograph of the artists view of
the world. The artists of reality TV show we live in a world of hustlers and
posers and alpha victors. The artists of rap tell the world there is no justice
and life is so unfair nihilism is the best religion.
Exploring both these themes David Chase created the
Sopranos. Entertainment no matter the
sophistication leaves a mark upon the enjoyer. Every breath you take, every
move you make, every thought you create, I am controlling you. The Sopranos was
all about how we control. Children
damaged by parents control mechanism, society damaged by the mobs easy access
to our Maslov motivators.
The Sopranos is the latest successor to the seminal novel
Gulliver's Travels. Most thought it was a children's book, but it changed the
world. Similarly the Sopranos has created a backlash against corrupt
government. Edward Snowdon grew up
watching the Sopranos.
What I would like to see is a series about good government,
something from Hong Kong, Singapore or Germany. Society is a team sport, and in North America and the UK we have
opportunist nihilists as coaches. I lived in Austria for 7 years, I have lived
the equivalent of years in Asia, I have seen South America and the Arab middle
east. Obviously I love Canada its one of the best nations in the world, but its
not the best. Germany, Austria, Denmark, Scandinavia and the Netherlands are
measurabley better countries. I know Austria well, addition to the actual Holocaust they had a nihilistic
holocaust. How did such a perfect
society sink to such a petty thuggish existence with pride? Gobbels told us it
was through entertainment.
The Sopranos is great art, it tells you to have situational
awareness of your own mobish activities, and see what destruction of humanity
is likely if you follow you lizard brain genetic programming. Its not sci fi that we will get a be a slave injection. Look at China, six thousand years of tyranny, it can not happen again, bullshit, fight this will all your heart.
Because our addled brains can no longer extrapolate in a
satisfying conclusion the end of the Sopranos caused a spike in Pharma stocks.
However knowing what we know like some Greek God observing from above watching
for a second time makes everything crystal clear.
Pauly becomes Phil Leatardo. Tony becomes Junior. AJ
becomes Christopher. Carmello becomes a
Mike Holmes version of Pussy's wife. Medow is the second wife of failed
mayoral candidate Wiener
Thursday, 14 November 2013
I have Ketchup in my Veins
National security starts with food security. For a decade we have been giving it away. The latest casualty is Ketchup. The streets should be red protesting this decision.
Three D printing the new plastics
Those who remember The Graduate remember plastics. If they remade the movie it would be 3D printing. Its a revolution as big as the industrial and information revolution combined.
101 Sci Fi Adventures
The Horror of Trans fats
It boggles the mind. When you hear GMO foods are safe, thinkaboot transfats.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Last fitting for the whitie tighty
In fact it did not fit that tight, and who choose white to deal with a dirt spot?
After a lifetime, a half century of living white and tight I am now in a coloured and form fitting camp. Yes I am wearing dark blue spandex and mostly cotton boxer briefs, and I would not be blogging about it if it was not not a grip of the future.
After a lifetime, a half century of living white and tight I am now in a coloured and form fitting camp. Yes I am wearing dark blue spandex and mostly cotton boxer briefs, and I would not be blogging about it if it was not not a grip of the future.
We are all Sopranos, and please dont be Ritchie
This is a work in progress, but its so grand I wanted everyone to feel my Astral Works.
The Sopranos
How long has it been since Shakespeare died? The Sopranos
will never have the impact of Shakespeare. The reason is as Malcom Gadwall has
recently idendified and everyone who was a wiseguy had known for centuries is
it is better to be a big fish in a small pond.
If you can rule this pond by whatever means maybe you should
move up a few million liters. What is so interesting about our modern politics
is we are led by people who have never been a big fish.
Getting back to the Sopranos. Its all about big fish. Its
all so perfectly described. Its all so real that no one watching has to hit the
wanna believe button on their suspension of disbelief. The interactions between
characters are spot on. Watching the Sopranos is like well edited found video.
Gopro in Jersey.
What is the greatest piece of art that humans have ever
created? I do not have to do a poll it
will be by a large margin the MONA LISA. I am by no means an art expert. By
good chance and good fortune I have seen many of the greatest works of two d
artists. IMHO most artists are saying to you NaNaNa Na ow. Your going to pay me
to decorate your home, like you can not do that yourself, you got to much money
my friend.
I can appreciate beauty. My wife is beautiful. Would the
world judge her as the most beautiful women in the world? Admittedly not, the
world has not been exposed to her, and she does not have a pub list. Despite
that she is the most beautiful women in the world to me. Every women is
beautiful thats something I believe, and I would hope every women believes
every man is handsome. However our
modern media machine is working overtime to convince you that you could have
done better. A person is a total package, looks are only an entry point.
The Sopranos was an entry point for the world into the way
the world works. If you think that world was totally fiction go with the virgin
birth. Look at Quebec today, could it have been a offshoot of the Sopranos that
ended in 2007? Billions of dollars of illegal drugs are traded in the streets
today, but thank GOD no one in power allows this. Otherwise there would be
trillions of dollars working both ways, but wait who has all that money? Just
watch Boardwalk Empire and think about that most repeated but most ignored
phrase, history repeats itself.
You can not legislate good behavior. If we could travel
about on a five year mission like captain Kirk on Star trek we could learn
something. The trouble with tribbles episode was all about addiction.
price of content
I was at a store
and I saw something
I knew would not
make me snore
and that is so preious
in this age of incredible bore
But why do they have to bust my balls
and ruin my credit limit to view
something ten years old
thats the question and leads to
my suggestion
these are greedy motherfuckers
that do not care
but in our world
the place where we live
ten year old cultural experiences
are a step ahead
from old Hollywood.
and I saw something
I knew would not
make me snore
and that is so preious
in this age of incredible bore
But why do they have to bust my balls
and ruin my credit limit to view
something ten years old
thats the question and leads to
my suggestion
these are greedy motherfuckers
that do not care
but in our world
the place where we live
ten year old cultural experiences
are a step ahead
from old Hollywood.
Thinking Aboot Crackman
The Sopranos
How long has it been since Shakesphere died? The Sopranos
will never have the impact of Shakesphere. The reason is as Malcom Gadwall has
recently idendified and everyone who was a wiseguy had known for centuries is
it is better to be a big fish in a small pond.
If you can rule this pond by whatever means maybe you should
move up a few million liters. What is so interesting about our modern politics
is we are led by people who have never been a big fish.
Getting back to the Sopranos. Its all about big fish. Its
all so perfectly described. Its all so real that no one watching has to hit the
wanna believe button on their suspension of disbelief. The interactions between
characters are spot on. Watching the Sopranos is like well edited found video.
Gopro in Jersey.
What is the greatest piece of art that humans have ever
created? I do not have to do a poll it
will be by a large margin the MONA LISA. I am by no means an art expert. By
good chance and good fortune I have seen many of the greatest works of two d
artists. IMHO most artists are saying to you NaNaNa Na ow. Your going to pay me
to decorate your home, like you can not do that yourself, you got to much money
my friend.
I can appreciate beauty. My wife is beautiful. Would the
world judge her as the most beautiful women in the world? Admittedly not, the
world has not been exposed to her, and she does not have a publist. Despite
that she is the most beautiful women in the world to me. Every women is
beautiful thats something I believe, and I would hope every women believes
every man is handsome. However our
modern media machine is working overtime to convince you that you could have
done better. A person is a total package, looks are only an entry point.
The Sopranos was an entry point for the world into the way
the world works. If you think that world was totally fiction go with the virgin
birth. Look at Quebec today, could it have been a offshoot of the Sopranos that
ended in 2007? Billions of dollars of illegal drugs are traded in the streets
today, but thank GOD no one in power allows this. Otherwise there would be
trillions of dollars working both ways, but wait who has all that money? Just
watch Boardwalk Empire and think about that most repeated but most ignored
phrase, history repeats itself.
You can not legislate good behavior. If we could travel
about on a five year mission like captain Kirk on Star trek we could learn
something. The trouble with tribbles episode was all about addiction.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Libtards Seven Deadly Sins
Seven deadly sins of being a libtard
1) not believing in a Skygod. Every text we have says the
world is 6000 years old, only a libtard could not believe the Flintstones was
not a documentary.
2) Not believing in natural law. Both Mormons and Muslims at
one time justified polygamist relationships as Gods will. If you look at nature
that's a very solid position. Look at all the advanced mammals that have a
harem. Hmm that would lead to a defence of evolution so lets stop there.
3) Practicing best practices. Like a blood transfusion will
save your life, but sorry I gotta die cause its my thing. Immunizations are
like so scientific only a libtard would get one.
4)Using Moral Equivalency as a talking point. Che Guverra is
a bloodthirsty communist, but Pinochle, the Shah of Iran or Ferdinand Marcos
were statesmen under pressure.
5) Thinking egalitatrisim is a virtue. No we should be ruled
by Rob Ford and George W Bush. We should be ruled by hemophiliacs because look
at all the money that will pour in for the cure.
6) Expanding the natural rights we all agree upon to include
right to eat, shelter and health care. God did not expect you to live if your
parents were both assholes and had bad DNA.
7) Treating all problems like they are not a nail that
can be hammered down. That loose board on my patio has never joined a protest
Twenty Five Greatest Books of all Time
They are all sci fi because sci fi is the greatest form of literature ever.
Books I have not read are highlighted in blue.
Books I have not read are highlighted in blue.
Book Reddit Rating
Book Steve Rating
To your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip Jose Farmer
1984 - George Orwell
1984 is the most influential Sci Fi book. Surely the most widely read.
The Shadow of the Torture by Gene
Brave New World by Aldus Huxley
A companion piece for 1984. These two books define the
Anathem by Neal Stephenson
Hyperion by Dan Simmons
Most of the best are the first book in a series. Hyperion
is the best series in Sci Fi.
Revelation Space by Alastair
Crake and Onyx by
Margaret Atwood
I am not a huge fan of the author but this book hits every
note and I fear predicts the future just like 1984 did.
Left Hand of Darkness by Ursala K LeGuin
The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F Hamilton
first novel in the Nights Dawn Trilogy
I like Ursala but she is not going to make my 25. Hamilton
creates an unmatched space opera. I am only going to give one spot to an
author on this list but like others he could have numerous selections
I Robot by Issac Asimov
Foundation by Issac Asimov
Issac Asimov is one of the heros of Sci Fi and Foundation
is his greatest work. Similar to LOTR in scope and impact.
Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut
He must be on this list and I wont quibble. He, Harry
Harrison and Douglas Adams by far the funniest people in Sci Fi history.
Contact by Carl Sagan
Glory Road by Robert Heinlen
My all time favorite author who has stood the test of time
since I was 8 years old. I could have put 25 of his 32 books on this list.
Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Sopranos of Sci Fi, not because its about the Mob but
because this trilogy is so finely crafted.
Pandora's Star by Peter F Hamilton
Mote in Gods Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Sundiver by David Brin. Book one of the uplift series.
Another magical series about genetic uplifting of animals
to human intelligence levels.
A Canticle for Lebowitz
Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke
Never got Canticle, had to read it for a course and close
to hated it. Clarke is another who could fill this list. The Rama series rubs
your face in the dirt of humanity, but we still dont learn.
Excession by Iain M Banks
Consider Phleebas by Iain M Banks
Banks writing is better than his imagination but he did
create the comp belling universe of the
culture. I may have ranked him higher than deserved.
Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlen
Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison
Could have picked the Stainless Steel Rat series, but Bill
is a mocking of Starship Troopers and hilariously funny.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick
The Man in the High Castle
No one has had more books made into movies including
perhaps the best Sci Fi movie of them all
Totall Recall.
Ringworld by Larry Niven
If you see his name on the cover of a book read it.
2001 a Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
Barely Sci Fi but his body of work matches the best.
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
Lord Valentines Castle by Robert Silverberg. The Majpoor
Joe does not make my list but this was a great book by an
original thinker. Silverberg is
another author who never disappoints. This series is as vast as the galaxy.
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
To your scattered bodies go by Philip Jose Farmer The
Riverworld Series
Reddit picked it as number one and I could have as well.
There have been a couple of attempts to make it a HBO like ser
Neuromancer by William Gibson
Hyperon by Dan Simmons
Foundation by Issac Asimov
Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Dune by Frank Hebert
Amber Series by Rodger Zelany
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