Everything is history to what happens today. What we need is to learn from that and prevent more disasters tomorrow.
Right now in the world of the future where lost. Blade Runner was set in 2019, 2001 a space odyssey is beyond the current dreams of NASA. So where the prophets wrong, or did society take a Chinese detour. The Chinese had a society that stagnated for 6000 years.
Upon the assassination of JFK we stopped moving forward. The Deep state moved in and consolidated the past to profit forever in the future.
Things went well until the blow back of Watergate. Am I the only one who believes that Bob Woodward could be a asset. Some people think the Watergate break-in was performed by the same team that worked Dallas. The purpose being to keep a lid on Nixon.
Then Jimmy Carter was virtually assassinated in Iran. The people who controlled the oil
gave him trouble big time. His attempt at rescue died in a mysterious dessert. The savior of the American people Ronald Reagan watched the hostages go free milliseconds after he
was President. Then you go on to Iran Contra, and containers full of weapons for Iran. We are all supposed to believe none of this happened.
This team moves forward and GHWB becomes a President who
is amazed at bar codes. For this flaw Clinton becomes President
who passes the anti welfare laws
and through proxy wages
war on Russian
in the former
the Albanian mafia
becomes our
best friend
Then Al Gore
the ultimate
perfect candiate
loses due to
heavy breathing
in a debate
where GWB
can barely
Nobody cares
after 911
that the people
so bold at PNAC
said they wanted
something like
this to happen
Do not want to
go all deep into
conspiracy theory
but jet fuel burning
does not melt steel
Steel melts at 1200
If you want to make
steel you need coal
to hit those temp
with applied oxygen
there is no scientific
explanation of how the
two towers fell
let alone building
just one more little
detail that has alway
been sad for me
the people
at tower
two said
do not
In summary Owen
when you are playing
in this rarefied playground
with high stakes
in the trillions
I would speculate
that Muller is
all evidence gathered
by the Trailor Park Boys
the only authourity
I trust
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