Monday, 22 August 2011

NPR list of top 100 Sci Fi and Fantasy

Cover art from Peter F Hamilton Reality Dysfunction by Jim Burns

Of the top 100 I have read 49(80finalist). IMHO too much fantasy, but a great list. I would add some Greg Bear, Peter F Hamilton and David Birn and take out some fantasy writers. Margret Atwood’s Ornyx and Crate should have made the list as well.
John Birmingham has some terrific movie worth works.


  1. OK you're way ahead of me Steve, I only read 24. Agreed, way too much fantasy

    My favourite book of ALL TIME is at number 53 (Cryptonomicon). Frankly, it's not really sci-fi or fantasy at all imho. So the list is a little odd

  2. @29 I agree with #53 being a great book,(why is it not a movie already?) Neal Stephenson is a "future history writer" and I loved this book so much I tried to read his medieval opus, blah, but I look forward to reading the others of his on this list I have not read.

  3. Man would Hollywood fuck up Crypto. 1000 pages they would squeeze into 2 hours. kill me. i would take an eight-part miniseries though. i think that would work

    i read Zodiac, Snow Crash, and the Diamond Age, all of which I loved. Snow Crash is ESSENTIAL reading if you haven't yet. i have not dug into that Baroque crap, though i hear the second one is much better. next on my list from him is Anathem, which I have heard a bunch of great things about (and some bad, but fuck those)

  4. I have read Zodiac and Snowcrash. Cant wait till Montreal Canadians take over construction for Quebec. I give my highest recommendation to Peter F Hamilton, the Nights Dawn Trilogy is a masterpiece.
