Saturday 4 April 2015

We face the greatest challange of human existance and can not leak about with our true believers stratagu

Have you seen a picture
something man made
without malice
your could call
a true photograph
but what if that true
undeniable picture
pictured in 4k was
just a mind games
of supercomputers
fucking with you
for no resason
that would see,
amd be;oefve
,e tje  ComPUTW
is all one and zero
and that is not even
in a broadway play
acknowled by the gay
and straight
and NFL men
and general who
hAVE ordred deahtm
from above for
a million or more citznses
just wishing they
had bluetooth
or evenn the chance
to understnd the war
from above and how it
would influcce
the children she had
that did not
die and how
they would -prepared
for detath from above.

The problem is the disconext
if ou hit me hard in a video
game I give up
The forces in the Arab world live
in sand and would rather
than drink a
unforded water/

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