The supertanker of improbability keeps sailing on
around the world every harbour is open
but not for long when they realize
whats being carried
and just how toxic it can
an so old
millions of years or more
I am told
Who wants old smelly sticky stuff
these days?
Ok its realisable and pr oven
way to keep winter away
and let you travel in comfort
but while the upfront cost is minimal
the lifecyle costs
are unsustainable
so why buy
when long before it
you will die
I loved you big time
for your vehicles
never knowing
a kilowatt
could do the same
but better
its just we did not try
cause the powers with the
foot on the gas
were all made rich
as oil guys
Remember the EV
the GM false flag
to electric
that was such a red herring in disguise
it actually worked so
well they had to kill it
the Dealers did not
like no maintenance
so they said so
I love you electric
but I am an oil man
we are decades
away in any shared destiny
and yes your beautiful and clean
the kind of a youthful dream
that makes a great trophy wife
but man, its never going to last
cause she is going to find someone
her age or your going to die
I am the captian of the supertanker of improbability
I have sailed through earthquakes
you call them tsunamis
and big waves made by
who knows what
still I float
and to the world
I am all that they
Suck Suck Suck on the dogma
of modern economics
a proof of a proof
that has not proof'
like immaculate conception'
just an overriding belief
and a lie told
over and over
Free trade never exist
zero sum game
means someone has to lose
in a comparative advantage
now in game theory it all works out
in reality
we get Goldman Sachs
The invisible hand
its called greed
rape and pillage
and slavery
Child labour
and every other
horror under the sky
Star Trek economics
we call it communism today
but its a military mindset
with egalitarianism
and merit
to tell the truth
all militarism today
advertise they
are communist at
the core
Thinkaboot it!!!!!!!!
That last stanza is your masterpiece Steve
ReplyDelete29 its oily all the way but i will take anything in my harbour, where with pixie dust I make unicorns out of tar sands