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The true story of the Holocaust has never been written
until I did it today
I will make many factual errors
and my math may not add up
to the extent the deniers will add
my truth to their stump of lies
after the tree of knowledge and probity
has been sacrificed to a cause
which to this day befuddles me
cause if you look at the 21st Century
no one with any clued
is going to say the Jews are in charge
The tale really begins with the old Testament, or the Torah
as the Jews call it. WHICH, brings up a salient point of idenification that has long bugged me. The Torah is a very significant document. Its like calling the declaration of indenpdence the colonist whishes historicaly. Why do we call Wien, Vienna, and a hundred other misidentifications that lead me to ramble without logic.
I am no biblical scholar so I do not know if quoting anything leads to ecumenical
I am no biblical scholar so I do not know if quoting anything leads to ecumenical
For sure it make for a lot of misinformation to be polite when talking about
absolute born in poured concrete lies. These kinds of facts are not new
the Greeks wrote plays of them, and all over Europe you can find Roman artifacts built with taxpayer dollars for the majority that never did enjoy that highway, spa or splash.
Some time long in the past a group of citizens were bound
together by tribal bounds
but more than that an idea of a people.
This was Apple three thousand years
ago. The Jews became the Ipeople. The
ones God loved best. Through self reinforced good behaviour they advanced over
the Microcontrol tribes. No one could join the Ipeople. No you had to be born
into the OS. I am sure this firewall against virus was not appreciated.
Time went by and the Jews who were slaves to a great extent
made their move with Moses. They did a reverse takeover and drowned all the
option seekers to make a healthy return to the lands they remembered. There is a really complicated history of this. Who is right who
is wrong, in the end today we have Jews
in Jewersulam pulling the levers of power to make it totally
Jewish ground. People who wandered for thousands of years recently found Gold and now they want to make the rules, how audacious.
Do not ask me about Jesus the Jew. Do not ask a Rabbi about this. They will give you an answer as
complete as asking Steve Harper about the Mike Duffy senate appointment. The
fact is to the Jews, Jesus is a
Caucasian Santa Claus. Thinkaboot it folks for a minute. If the people
there on the ground do not know about him,
and the people who reverb him only discovered him 300 years later we
might not be getting the full story from either side. Nevertheless from the
time of Constantine forward the Jews killed Jesus. This fact or fictional
absurdity is the foundation of the holocaust. We can kill Jews freely and
without sin because some Jew in a narrative authorised the killing of a
So lets be clear. The people who created the first testament, which is
really the only part of the King James Bible that is coherent, killed the
messiah and failed to ever mention it. Going forward through history they are
the people using a Linux based code who
are considered by Microcontrol to be a rouges Ipeople app that killed
Jesus. The Jesus app had so much potential, anti gravity, element
transmutation, and with the healing power to end socialised medicine forever.
Despite the fact that the Jesus app has shaped and precisely controlled at
least two thousand years of history, the Microcontrol people remain
As they have no sense of shame and are immune to best
practises they are increasingly embarrassed. Despite the fact most people in
power use the Microcontrol app to do business, the Ipeople thrive. Small in numbers but equipped with better
software they dominate the fringes of the Microcontrol world. While Microcontrol
despite huge tax breaks continues to make slow progress, the Ipeople flourish
and riffinking on the nonsense, they
manipulate Adam Smiths invisible hand with great dexterity. In fact for most of
the middle ages handling money was less respected than arbitoriy.
This makes the Microcontrol programmers furious and they
declare the Ipeople a virus. So they often through history attempt to purge the
Ipeople program from the system. This goes on for centuries but in the end the
Ipeople dominate with their clever software and software developers. How do you develop Ipeople software. As I
said it was a closed architecture. The
Jews breed themselves for success. Long before science they knew the DNA is the
key to a healthy society. Some people
will say DNA is nonsense. If they can make a good argument for that case I
assume they had a great upbringing. For sure DNA is more than half the
equation, but healthy simulation can
bring scores up to fantastic all the time. Jews hit both sides all the time
since the beginning of time and it made the big thinkers of every age furious.
Now I tell a Lee Kuan Yue
Joke, but it is so instructive. First let me quote a famous Jew.
"You will not get ahead pulling people down into the
same hole you are in." That's a fact and a thing about modern politics that
should give us all fever. I am not a
worse ass hole than that guy so I should be leader, oh the humanity.
The Lee Kuan Yew joke goes like this. First if you do not
know who Lee Kuan Yew is your ignorant. Your letting the world tell you how it
spins instead of trying to figure out
why it spins thus. So back to the Joke.
Lee Kuan Yew for all his faults and few foibles really
believed in a better life for all. Its really well documented. Sure he cared
more about Singapore than the world. However the China of today is built on his
legacy and we can only hope they continue to find leaders that had his
benevolence. I can not say enough good things about Singapore.
So Lee Kuan Yew is meeting his neighbours in an informal
setting. Lets just say
cognac all around. A member, not to be named forever from
the ruling Junta of Mymarr
is strutting around Orchard Road using his ill begotten
credit card to the max like a peacock
of absurdity. Of course the former
Harry Lee has him targeted just like every other citizen on the constant
surveillance network.
After a few co's they speak.
"General baby if you listen to me I can make Myanmar
all Orchard road. It will take five to ten years but if you look at Singapore
which has no resources you can be assured it will be easier in Myanmar which
has a genius booty of low hanging resources we can call dollar fruit."
The General replies " Listen you Jewish Chinese
motherfucker, I can make Singapore look like Myramar in two weeks, so shut the
fuck up."
The holocaust, the worst stain on western civilisation ever.
Why you ask, because by 1930 we knew better. I can forgive arrogant ignorance,
but not sophisticated manipulation. A complete an utter breakdown of
institutions. A lizard brain factory where the grey zone produced. How could
this happen in 1930's Germany? Could it happen again? If I am a Jew should I be
wondering if my neighbour will hide me or turn me in?
Just as an aside if I was a Jew today I would be very
worried. The Rabbit Bomb is primed and growing bigger everyday. The crazies are
massing and if the right needs a sacrificial lamb to hang on Jews will be the
first on the skewer. As if you do not know the only reason the American Right
clings to you is that they honestly believe only over your dead bodies can they
reach heaven. Sick stupid fucks. The
people back home seem to be stuck on the Dig channel. Maybe the Jews born of
Diaspora are always in the end going to be that way. Meeting in secret
synagogues and chatting with their gentile friends on the fringes of the net.
I tell you right now we are in a pre Holocaust preparation.
Snitch lines and reward for reporting trivial stuff. If you see a blank
behaving in way that makes you nervous be sure to phone in, I will call you non
observant if you do. I am going to hide
my neighbour, Jew , Muslim, Scientology's or Pastifarian because I do not
believe in a general roundup.
Now your thinking I am drifting but not really I am still
focused on the reason
there was the Holocaust. Its all about vision in my eyes.
Who looks at the artwork.
How much value did art have in 1930 compared to today? I say
nothing, its like all the hockey cards and comic books your mother threw
away. Taking that into account by my
numbers which I have said before are flawed and subjective the Jews in Europe
owned about 75% of today's treasured art world. I do not think I have to
explain this was not simply due to wealth. Many of the great works were done by
Jews, Jews likes art, and Jews in general had the disposable income to buy
something most would consider crap but they liked. That said I do not think a
Klimt should ever leave Austria. Its complicated.
Magnify this by a society crippled by reparations where the
Jews seemed to be the least affected. Put into place a Harper like divide and
conquer politician, and soon you have deathcamps as a means of power.
In requiem, the millions and I do not know the number.
People make big fusses over whether it was two million or six million or
whatever. After a thousand it becomes a
big number. If its government sponsored it becomes a holocaust. I believe it was likely not six million. Its
just my cynicism at work, I in no way would debate the six million number.
Nevertheless my final thought on the holocaust is how magnificent Germany today
would be with all those Jews.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine has the Fearing. These are the
prototypical Jews. Easter Egg to everyone, this race is not Jewish. There are
people in our world today who are truly examples of the worst portrait of what
it means to be acquisitive.
I should not have to say it if you read my blog religiously.
I am a big Jewish San Francisco cocksucker NTTIAWWT. I like most Israelis think
Netanyahoo is a flawed con man who worked the bushes to make his family name
wood. We celebrate Jews every day in our daily life.
Best practises and all that, we could do worse than all be
Jews. Okay I got a problem with the
circomemsion. Yet its just another best practise run amok. Kind of like buying
booze in the USA, where no matter the age you look, they must ID. If for one we
must then we all shall face every indignity to show up in the world as a better
We Christians pray that God will forgive us and help us
today but at the top of the list
please let the God Bouncers let us into the Heaven Club. Jews pray really hard you can see them everyday working hard at the wailing wall for a better world. I know this for a fact cause on a subway one time I was all alone with a Hassidic Jew for an extended period and I did the natural thing, I talked to him. I wanted to know from this kid what the clothing and the haircut was all aboot. I may disagree with his fashion and style. but in his hopes for the world, we shared a right.
please let the God Bouncers let us into the Heaven Club. Jews pray really hard you can see them everyday working hard at the wailing wall for a better world. I know this for a fact cause on a subway one time I was all alone with a Hassidic Jew for an extended period and I did the natural thing, I talked to him. I wanted to know from this kid what the clothing and the haircut was all aboot. I may disagree with his fashion and style. but in his hopes for the world, we shared a right.
Steve you say why do you care about the holocaust and the
true history? I axe myself often, and get some real cuts from that tool. The
fact is that I think myself smarter than the average fool. I have seen this
world like many before, but I saw it different because that is my wile or
illusion of something I believe is understanding.
I do not fear ISIS or NAZI, Republicans or other extremists
because I know in the long run
all people are still the same. Like Sting said "we can
only hope the Russians love their children too" Sure I am horrified by the work of terrorists but people this is
nothing new. Ask the Archduke Ferdinand. ISIS and Al Queda are terrorism with
Madison Ave working pro bono. They thrive on being attacked, I think there was
a Star Trek episode that pointed that out in the sixties, yet we continue to
walk into the sucker punch.
What I am trying to say in summary is that we will all kill
the Jews if we are convinced enough. The Germans are a wonderful people, and
IMHO in the 21st Century the star to hang on. So if one man and his will could prostitute
this great nation with crude propaganda, image what today's power brokers are
doing to your mind today.
Anyone who pumps up the individual is selling you a lie.
Great masses of power like
little stand alone flowers when they spread pesticide. No
man or women is an island. No matter how great some people are, and their are
millions who soar. They did not become successful without you and me, and the
people who died to make our institutions, never forget that. Institutions are
more important than votes in todays brainwashed economy.
So now that you know the truth as I see it I ask only one
thing. Find it for yourself really and next time you have a chance to vote,
vote what you truly believe based upon evidence. Its in your hands the worlds
future and only you can prevent the next Holocaust.
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