Tuesday 19 May 2015

Bricks and Bats

Another huge brick to the head of the Harper collective. Not content with redrawing the boundaries adding creating new favourable riding's, changing the voting rules to thwart nasty votes, they are now going after public discourse. We will choose the questions and the moderator for the debates. We will put them on platforms where no one will see the actual debate, but we can pick the best moments for our team and make a greatest hits compilation the voters will hear 24/7.

Imagine questions for Harper like, "What makes you such a great strong leader, could Canada be any luckier"  Then for Trudeau, " Why do you hate Canada you filthy commie bastard son of Mick Jagger"

BC doctor claims he can make eyeglasses obsolete. That's a pretty impressive claim I hope its true. Attaboy Doc you have hit one out of the ballpark.

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