Friday 8 May 2015

Omar Kadar Hero or Villian

Well neither.  Lets assume for the sake of argument he killed an American Soldier. In my mind this could never be proven (torture confession aside)  in a court of law. Also it could never be pr oven that Omar would have killed a thousand American soldiers if he could. In my mind both statements are correct.

This happens every day in a war, but Afghanistan was not a war. This is all bullshit. It was and remains a war.

He was 15, we spend millions it seems successfully rehabilitating child soldiers,  he was a poster child for that label.

The Canadian Justice system gave him bail. That should not be questioned by the government. Citizens are free to launch but the Government should keep its mouth shut and influence at arms lent when it comes to institutions. Harper is the only PM in History that did not get that brief.

So now he is out on bail. He has not responsibility to do anything except obey the law. I would like to see him call out 15 year old jihads and nihilist but that is me.

I hate what his family represents and the opinion that makes me angry 
they spew. However I thought that was what we are fighting for?

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