Friday 6 March 2015

What it means to be a Canadian

I am so white snow looks black
in my view.

I was born as a result of the 1958
revolution in Hungart
thats a world awat
in my very aware mind

This was a long time ago
for you sports fans
I should just suck up
being a child of the

But I never did
and I did never not
I just questioned
why the world around
me would put me
a little baby into a positon
that would make
the residencal sch9ools
look like an instutution that
I got fucked about at  very young age\
I thank the Gods that this did not
change my  mind about man and wife
I got no of those scars
but for my mates
at the orphanic
I can only
say its DNA
and why that is
ask GOD!

We are now at war with
soldiers that fuck camels
because they are so ignorant
is there not a bigger gift
than death from above
we can leave in the sand
as our testament

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