We are all under constant
attack everyday
from the people
we suppsidly
elect to reperesent
you and me
they know everthing
all your posts
all your fears
and and and
an AI pretenting
to be your friend
will groom you
to vote in the election
because the fraud
of democracy is
that the vote rules
but no one
has ever thought
about the mind of
Phil K Dick
and thats what
we have
I do not think
any pol
about the process
I got elected
and the process
that did that
has my fidelity
and we are
out of democray
just into a game
Justin Trudeau
muffed on porportial
that may be the
death throw
of democracy in Canada
and around the world
Democracy is falling out
of fashion
the single reason is
the corruption of the vote
bad people can capture the
system if its constructed
like a cement block
we need a more advanced
democracy and I hope that
no matter what Justin leaves
behind he will at least give
us a chance to defeat the
big insert the word conspriacy
that rules the world and makes
us all poor in pursuit of the nickel