According to the headliner
this blog should have
hockey more mainliner
but I am lost for
words in this century
because my team
has defined mediocrity
just like the NHL
The promise of youth
is eternal
but for a sports fan
its ephemeral
and every draft
pick is a superstar
who will lead
the flock to
one more time
as the socialized
war of sports
gives meaning
to lives both
and unfelt
At 22 Drouin
has more pressure
on him than a theoretical
tomahawk reactor
trying to capture
the power of the sun
in Gods bottle
Sports has always
been a bidness
a way to reap profits
and shape minds
for higher level
but in Quebec
it has always
been a source
of rebellion
and affirmation
that no war is ever
lost and somehow
heroes will set the
people free
to parade down
St Catherine's
street enraptured
with pure joy
that the Anglo's
have gone down to
and will always
be just punching
their ticket
to Hell's gate
Now young Drouin
has all this history
on his barely formed
bonne chance
mon amie
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