The French, what can I say about the French. Have you ever seen Paris, thats my answer. Which people made the Western World free, the French. Like many people with a great track record they may come off as arrogant when as they see it it just gee shucks matter of fact.
If we where to measure Culture as a percentage of sales by GDP, the French would be undeniably number one.
I am an Anglo who grew up hating Germany and Japan, thinking the French where cheese eating surrender monkiees because my birth happend just a decade after the end of the world war.
I have come to believe that the Anglo way is for a western society the code fault in the software that keeps civilization from soaring. I blame the Anglos for the fact that there are no colonies on mars, global warming and that the rent or cost of housing is too damm high. For the Anglos all you need to know about economics was expressed by Samuel Clemons " buy land they are not making any more of it".
My beloved Habs have fallen in a ditch. There is only one way out. Dig the ditch deeper until you drown like the leftovers and be reborn.
gooI d owner would put the Francophone question to rest for once and for all. They would say this is a team that is rouge, blanc, blau without question forever. Those colours do not run, they skate like hell on ice. It does not matter if the talent is like the cat. No one cares if a cat is black or white as long it catches mice. The Montreal Canadians will do everything to catch mice. If the best coach speaks Russian we will ask permission of Trump to hire them. Its 2017, we have AI Lusitania translation. Was Kirk ever stopped by language from scoring, no, green, purple, all the colors and languages of the rainbow where fair game for his discovery.
We are in the frappa crappa due to three key mistakes. One is anything to do with EMTY, two is not tanking another year after getting gCHuck, three is having Poloriad do our development. We do not know what the picture is going to look like until its way to late.
We have a good core of role players, and two superstars. TFS and BBQ. gCHuck and Druid are on the bubble, and after that we are lunch bucket, the question is Schwartz or MacDonald.
I still believe this team has a window, and it will let the cup fall into our laps with good
luck and a cell phon
e jam
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