War of the Worlds
by HG Wells
HG was a bonified
person of extreme white privilege
its alleged he was boned
at a bording camp
where the lash and rum
had been suspened
due to misuse
Still it was not racist
because they where
in a class
where brutal treatment
was considered
yeah who wants to float
that IPO\
talk about evil
and there is much worse
even lone gun men
who go postal
and then pretend
to be a pasty
and get whacked
and some people
think its not normal
In the Kingdom of
man that has an American King
for a long time
and they really dont
love the idea of equal
long time
The story of Snow White is
a treasure
and it should not be
made politically correct
or on the other extreme
a hidden camera with
little extras
seriously how long
do you think sneezy
would go without a
Next what is going down
in our primitive universe
that really matters more
than crimes against humanity
real or imagined
some one loved nuremburt
and hated warren said
like Jane Said
If you had licked the wrong
toad or worse
looked at a fillet
and the fat
well it was
something you sometimes
but in the end always treasured
whatever kind of fat
was family
Everything is going to be
as Bob
talk to Bob
if you want to slow down
and thinkaboot things
and the way forward
in small ways
because if we want
to leap its
all punji sticks
Why did I daty
It was because of netflix
and what I watch
and how movies
interact with my mind
and always activate
a certian bigraphy
given the password
The AI of Netflix
understands me better
than I know myself
it knows I like Pizza with
movies and linking with AI
to give me the spot prices
so I dont invest in a pizza
at the wrong time.\
To be fair some restaurants
are going down and you dont
want to be the one that gets
to the door the second the man
shows up and ask for your legal standing
in this situation.
So if Black Lives mission
is fulfilled beyond the imagination
like faster than light travel
with guides high on spice
or what they call
the big heads
They select these people based
upon standardized testing
allegedly ever child that
is reported dead
may still be alive
if you know how
the trade in the devils
instrument goes
Black White, I think
I saw an actual green women once
and she was sitting in a bar
with James T KirK
even though I was six
years old
I have always thought
about green
if I can so bold
to say
green is the colour
of planet GIA
its all thronburg
and this covid crisis
has taught us we can
crash the economy into
the ditch and keep on keeping
on man
Keep on Keeping on
the secret sauce
of victory
the ten percent that Woody Allen
Woody Allen yes the man
has a reputation that is
However like an Austrian
would say about Hitler
when he was in Austria he
was only a painter.
Woody Allen was very funny
in his day. Watch Sleeper and
tell me that movie was not better
than Okay and it still flashes
brilliane nearly 50 years gone
left out there as a reason
for success
and the greatest thing
I have seen in my lifetime
of living capitalist is to see
tech go go go go
I matured before technology
touched in a way worse
than a cassette deck
or a fear of Forbin projects
When Wile E Coyotee
crashed to earth 20 meters
axis y from earth
and a factor bigger
to the x axis
the xy truth
they belong together
but no one can
explain the attraction
its like the masters of the universe
believed the theory of gravity
only applied to things with mass
we all know the people
that keep the trains moving
will survieve almost everthing
except the Spanish Inquistion
and the French revolution.
Craters are full of something
outerwordly and that value
is magnified when the strike
that killed the dinasour
has been stripped bear
little know fact
the stripped bear
outlived the dinos
and yes
they found tons of perhistoric
that are groud up and rubbed
on people who have seriously considered
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