North Korea may be the worst regime
on the planet
hard to say
because we
just dint know
the truth
Nevertheless for close
to 70 years they
have been a thorn
in the side of
the westros
Its a great case
bud nipping
cause once a regime
goes Nuclear
there is no sensible
way to attack
Kimmy and Iran
have learned the lessons
of Quaddafi Duck and
Saddam Insane well
China has seen just
how the Americans
promises not to
NATO the borders
worked out for Russia
What this means is
China has no interest
in regime change
North Korea
if only for self
will never give up
its Nukes
and the world
will just have to live
with Kimmy
spitting in
its face
Of course the world
will always wonder
what if Dennis Rodman
delivered a Kardashion?
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