The first period is mostly music and in the second they add in video to keep us going mono when stereo is available but you know the diehards they invested so much in mono.
Second period and I see flashes of greatness like UFO all over the ice, but no one scores
Third period and we are living on the knife edge, next goal wins because despite history we are currently riding on non goal scoring support pins. Look its no dumpster fire DGMG has put everything
he has ever known into this team and that just mystifies me his Empty and the person down on the ranCH
lasting so long.
I dont care if he picks up a facebook pervet. I want to win the cup and I am not saying we need barebreasted CHeer leaders handing out discounts to CHE Pare, but I bet something that CHE like Bob DLYAN and Paul simon sought some comfort there. You can see hundreds of FREench girls all AT ONE PLACE
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