Hear that sound in the hood
thats a new weapon the man
is bringing about in his
failure to make this ship
sail like like they gave
the ZPG alien whare tech to
us with trust
but that is exactly why we do not have
there is a penalty to pay
if you want to break away
from the principles of thermodynamics
but its all there
for everyone to know
nothing is ever lost
it just takes its own
path to eternity
for the jewels
and the diamonds
loving all the
love and just
down right
sparkling light
living as a big
diamond from
the stones
is an etenity of
with really no
can you imagine
a diamind having
an ejaculation
and what kind
of materials substance
that would come
from the winsome
The best thing about a natural
diamond there is no guessing
about age
what are you a Gen X
am like going on to 3 billion
years in this rock
and I never believed
it when they made
me pay to retire
in a cyrstal because
how can I explain Yellowstone
the Kevin Kostner Soap
that make us feel clean
because well
John Wayne
and the Green Beret
or we will infiltate deep behind
your lines and eventually
put a harness on you with
a hot air ballon
or maybe wasting helium
flotation device
and the plane
picks you up
like a mother
traveling at 150 miles per hour and 500 feet above you
dont tell me about the lighting storm
the whole Colin Powell
confessin to History
he was not tellling
he was not telling
what everyone already knew
but the best part of his conflated
testimony was the prortable anthaceic or x gas
laboratory's spread around Iraq like FBI obseratatins
posts in the UK
How many days till Kennedy makes ballistic history
the poor guy.
Oswald is the ultimate Sienfield character
nothing shoots a gun like a heart attack
and the Marine Core gave him an
average grade
and when he went to Russia
then he came back
and shot
Lido Lido Lido
one more for the road
than the road endend
and the wreckage was
and there was fire
and you
did not suffer
more than a flesh wound
a flesh wound
is all that people can'
fight for today
and most of the
reasons are just
to sell bandaid
and stitches
and painkillers
and massages
and the whole
health industrial complex
that is taking over
with its power
to scare the people
the least mortal
with the most money
to invest it in dreams
and alibis when they
dont come true
how does it feel
to be old
and to be taken
down on the internet
while the rotory
dial was on
and that meant privacy
because the telegraph wires
spread a lot of salacious
and feel good strories first before
the news
can you imagine not really caring
what was going on in the Bearing Strait
the Black Sea and the Horn of Africa
because we Americans are the first hippies
just look at out hair
you know you did not deserve
the wisdom of our wicked
jurasprudence document
that so far is unmatched even
in the glare of the 21 st Century
where tease promo agitate sell
is the gamma gamma for
talking to the people
who are actually living
in a place where they
are not quite well
because nature
its so far outside
we cant see it
and the dog
cant feel it
takkes nno time
to smell because
I got that track down
flat and its
no place I want to
find at the end
end of the trail
wherever my nose takes me
I am like a wolf free
because I can open a fridge
with my paws and eat like
a sith lord
and its just something
that leaves the fridge owner
not agry at all just
gobsmakes and
wanting to adopt me
while they pet
me I take
their Rolex watches
and paste jewlery
on the surrounding fingers
here we aree
here we are
here we are
its 2023
can you believe it
we have disenting opions
not everyone can agreee
but lets move forward
with the narrative
its a long time we have seen
the future and as one born
latter than nienteen 55 no 58
the future has been denied
instead of tech to make every
human independent we
spend on weapons to kill
any chance that will happen
because if you look
back at war
what was the fighting really for
and at the end of the day
the most patriotic paid
and the royalty stayed away
Col Kurt Apocolyspppsee now
what happens when the planet get tpys\\\
from a strong graviational force
maybe black hole channeled enerty
but if its kentic, now one is typing
on a keyboard forever for humans
maybe the QWerty was one of the top
input interfaces of all time.
Its so superior to speech becuase
if you speaking your thinking
and when you ttype its lke a english guater
that has all those querty keys
and everythkng I believe
is that the word will kill
the desease
like the annciets say
to know the name of a person
is to control them
and thats just the start
so dont be so serious
about the Qwerty
no Eunchs so far
and thats a good sign
mostly for woemen
because their will
be much higher competiton
for mates
and your more likely to
get a good one