It was a pretty good movie, great guns.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
2021 is going to come in like a lion
Yes its going to be a hot landing
dumping fuel and head between the knees
and when the dust settles and the count the many casualties
I expect we will gear up like its yesterday
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Tesla and Elon Musk saved 2020 from being nothing but an extinction event
Hope SCience iNvestement and passion
can never work without implantation
and for Elon MUsk that will be his
epitaph, he did not only think
he did
and he did it well
And So this is Christmas 2020
The handwriting on the bible
by consintine hangs
like the star of bethlem in the sky
I think some one ordered a strike on the
terroris child that would become Jesus
and they missed
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Movie script guns blazing
So we start so sensible and white
and then the screen goes black
because the lead is dark
and its killing everything
and the viewer wants to know
why why why
and the truth is the moive
that the empreror has new clothes
and they alway recover from being
Saturday, 19 December 2020
I want more pictures and videos
So do I but the new blogger makes it a Snowden/ Assange event. So here is what I know and here is what I think. The sun will rise and the madness will not end. Distraction is the most important post in goverment today/
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
The most collectable car in the world
I like the old Bugatti's et al, but they are museum pieces
this car you could drive today and make electric tomorrow.
Sunday, 13 December 2020
How much do you owe to a good experience
They say that for
humans with
a limited time
span which
is broken down
into about four
useful segments
life is short
and experiences
are a commonidty
that cannot be
traded and is
invaluable to the individual
so lets start building
a world trading experiences
because what might
seem mundane
to you
would be gold
to me
and vice
Live near the end of 2020 and that's a celebration
Thinkingaboot dowloading U tube audio
Killdares Irish Folk
Saturday, 12 December 2020
So relieved and hopeful about the future
The supreme court was nine to zero in hearing some Trumped up Trump reason for him no longer being president.
Monday, 7 December 2020
NOT a fucking thing
Sunday night used to be the night
for watching great TV
last Sunday
not a fucking thing
not a fucking thing
as I have observed before
TV is going the way of music
one beat
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Friday, 4 December 2020
Black Truck asshole moving dangerously
Yeah Black Truck assholes
are like the men in black
without the credentials
but the way they drive
makes everyone nervous
and we wonder
inside the cab
how they survive\
Mr Cab Driver
Mr Black Pickup
Stop being such
a fuckup
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Please you yellow sapsuckers of justice just givem me some truth
Children of covid
in 20 years are mutants
like the Chysalis
some are horrendous
and are put to sleep
any deviation from
humanity as exhibited
in lower animals is eliminated
in the hope that gene
can be shut down
So Newfoundland and New Zealand are the last
places on earth where humanity can still spell
Newfoundland is like an amish colony with tech
but nothing that is going to move borders
or restart humanity
NZ is a million miles away
but they had the billionare advantage
you see most Billionares have read the Chsylis
for generation, GWB Bush and Dick Chaney have
a place in the mountians of Christchurch
and when I say mountians
don think of skiiing
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Sunday, 22 November 2020
If Singapore thinks its right, we should not be wrong
Singapore the perfect little island in a cesspool of geography
Watch them, learn from them
they do hard every day
just to be rich
Saturday, 21 November 2020
Same as it everwas
Every man in history
has had some kind of hareem
talking about the ones
that cause a debate
between the experts
who want to measure history
like the ingredients of
the perfect cake
to give humanity
at its birthday
This is nature overcomming humanity
and its true over and over
in lesser crimes against humans
and how can we stop it
it seems fruitless until
we all realize
how to accurately and scientifically count
things 6000 miles away
are worth dying about?
The great reset is like when
they reduced the food bank
by 20% and gave you
an extra bottle of tide
untill the northern equanoixt
and the southern counterpart
in parts that are south
but we all want to live in heaven
even if we increasingly believe
there is no truth
no Jesus
no Warren commish
No Estipien Suicide
No Operation H8 jump
No Iran Contra
No Clintion Foundation
No yes there was a moon landing
thats the baseline
where do you line up?
The future is electric and fun
Back to the Future
Next to the cybertruck Ford hybrid is a poor mans choice
and to be poor in the future is to be rich in the past
In 1918 the richest man in the world had no refuge, no hope
only prayers of influenza
Today through RNA we rejoice
a subzero cure is only a month away
this is the future
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Peral Jam and Nerviand MIX in real time, like a lullaby
Yes its real
we dont come back for you
casuse the covid made
us crazy
and we went back again
to the p[ast results
that said
kill everything that move
so we can breathe
Sunday, 8 November 2020
I can finally stop dreaming
about polar fleece sombreros
and start thinking about a world
where America actuals cares
about the responsibility of trying to keep this
crazy world keep spinning
and towards the future..
Monday, 2 November 2020
Snowmexicant election eve prediction
Trump Trump Trump
and its not a totally bad
IMHO both parties are so corrupt they
are junkies for money
A second Trump victory
will prime a real reformer
in the tradition of FDR
or even TR.
lead us into a democratic
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Ten Years Justified
Poetry in motion. I like the way you talk, you always use 40 words when 4 would have worked for everyone else
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Friday, 30 October 2020
Criminals have no chance when competing with Goverment
Most of the real crime in
the world is fully sanctioned
by goverment
Sunday, 25 October 2020
snowmexicant 10 days to Hiroshima election
I still think Trump will be declared the winner. Joe is the deep state state of the art, and is that not scary. That why I think it will be close.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Sunday, 18 October 2020
For the second time the dial winder shorted out
I cant explain it
there are no omhs
no amps
nor current
that could cause
the part to fail
so spectrally
and kill someone
because they were
told its part of a bigger plan
that cant fail
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Habitat Happening post from nowhere near a season
Montreal has to win the cup
now, now now now
like Genis singing Seconds Out
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Little known fact
the Beatles
4 people
where not
as great
as the big
on game
and we are playing
Toronto and I want
to get an injection
to keep the Cole
or any othher homers
that exist in almost
any place
there is a media
and I dont even come from
Motreal but I say
the TSN 69=
is like a two way
insight into
the Belle Province
they may speak Anglo
but they are something
way more complicated
than black and white
and language
and what
does it
a spanish sparrow
or an English one
Did they just cancel this decade and today we should prepare for much worse, like be prepper not a seperator
\Eatons center nineteen seventy
or slow, some time in that
slow time
when men where men
and Timithy Eaton bronze statue
was shiny from all
the upvotes
they created
by rubbing his toe
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Weaponized Retail
Not saying Amazon has done anything wrong
in fact they are probablly one of the cleanest
companies in the world
But they weaponized retail
and that has killed the middle class
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Habitats in the autum of Covid
I like the Anderson and who knows about the Gulie,
we are getting better and the window is closing
so go you fucking Habs go, in three years its
time to blow things up again
Snowmexicant gotta plow through all the covid on the sidewalk edition
Did the Donald ever have covid
thats the ask?
Did the fly know that Pence
was a Zombie and that is why
it stayed so long
Will America ever heal the racial
divide, thats a big ask
The polls say certified Zombie Biden
will win like they did for Hillary
but I feel Trump will Triumph
and say goodbye to liberty
Sunday, 4 October 2020
carful what you wish for part Deux
(the new blogger is not user friendly so videos and photos are not going to happen as much in the past_
We have always had empires
as long as we have history
what happened before
is worse
so if the American Epir
like the britshis empire
colipase under its own weight
of stupidity
what fills that vacuum
and if its CHian
we will all wish stupid rules
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020
The dominos are falling
and Jeff Petry is the scale of gravity
Philp Danno will sign or trade
in the next two weeks
for Gallager the vault is open
ALIVE, no not the plane hit the mountain cannibals' true story
This my viewing pleasure to tonite. Remarkable for such a small country how South Korea punches hard in the big bad world of entertainment.
\Wolves worth you howl
She is so much a women you
would want to meet
in dances with wolves
or as its called
now raised
by wolves
It started out of this world
and has got pedestrian
but in todays world
a good pedestrian
walks on gold sidewalks
Snow Mexicant we cant have a fair election edition
There is no legitimacy to
the next president
no matter who
winds the vote
was in the wind.
I think Trump will win
in the end if I look
at Al Gore
and Florida
and we will move
forward backward
with the fucktard
Big Joe backseat biden
and his whoring DNA
will lose to D Trump
and his brand
lots of luck
because death has
come to the
promised land
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Father of Gore Tex dies, child very much alive
I am tired of doing o bits
but this mans work
has touched everyone
who has never got a soaker
from outside
or inside
raised by wolves
You cant go wrong
with wolves from Jack London
and an American Werewolf in London
the tradition continues
with the new HBO
show Raised by Wolves
except instead of wolves
we have latex bound androids
and maybe you have seen dams
burst and fireworks
but android sex
is an image that is
not going to fade away
It has Rangar Lothbrook
and what do you know
his co star is beguiling
if not as winsome as some
vikings he had known
For me to opine about the supreme court would be like a house painter from the 1920 criticing Picasso
I have seen many old masters
in person from about two feet
away and stared hard every time
as long as did not weird
so my mind is full
of artistical appreciation
my ID you say
The venus du milo
okay its a sculputre
the mona lisa
the last supper
and the one that blew
me always
Rembrandts Last Watch
Its the size of a movie
and all that beaty
so what can I say
as a Canadian
about the death
of Justice Ginsberg
well she tried hard
and maybe if the earth
rolls round long
enough we will
see some justice
but for now
its Game of Thrones
with nerve gas
and submariens
I think the first
side to get a dragon
or is digging dragon tunnels
enough to win
If you love Jesus
or Allah or Buddah enough
that you will kill others
just to make them
yield to what you
want them to believe
I say God
would not approve..
Dirty laundry flying in my
face comming over my property
line and I can never take offence
because my neighbor
is the USA
three cheers for the myth and the truth
about that country
its the finest place every invented
for those who are inventive
its a great place for the next tier and
I dont know how many tiers down
but when you fall between 1 and 3
you fucked
So do we need this idea
of success to be our lighthouse
of course not
most civilized nations of non diverse
backgrounds have found that some
strong elements of socialisms temper
capitalism like hard steel
and make a smaller rod
worth more
and allow brains
to keep producing
The supreme court in the USA
is a moral swamp of partisim ship
and lacking in any original thought
because even though they disagree
about the margin
all 12 are on the same page
all they disagree with is the edit
Last year Obama had a chance even
months before to appoint
and the Republican's blocked
and all the most high and mighty
in the land
and every great mind
that could be found
to fill 24 7 news
did profound
and in the end it was
agreed the people
must vote for the next supreme
This time is vice versa
and the same people are taking the
same opposite view
except this time
more convection
to wipe out
the past swipe
4 wheel
Something about snow
and gutters made of steel ice
anthe ditch
tyhever present ditche
that would make
your shovel make
l8ike a
to get
the wheels back on teh road
Snowmexicant Nobel Prize Edition
How is Trump not a slam dunk for the Nobel peace prize. The sausage is full of DB but the art is the deal. Peace with the Sunni world for Israeli's. Dumping F35 at full book value all over the desert.
I think this is the same Steve Qualye I used to hear on WBEN with Bowerly
Antichrist and the Final Solution Book
The world is on an end-times collision course and time is short, but the chronology of the future is finally unveiled in the Antichrist Final Solution Special Collection! In this incredible offer, you’ll receive the new book by best selling authors Terry James and Dr. Thomas Horn “Antichrist and the Final Solution” the step by step roadmap to the chronological events unfolding now through to the return of Jesus Christ! Including the eminent arrival of antichrist and a totalitarian one-world government! You’ll discover the truth about what is fomenting chaos in the streets, the arrival of the False Prophet, The coming Third temple, the battle of Armageddon and YOUR OWN DESTINY!
Its as good a theory as any we got. Steve and Tom used to talk about suitcase nukes a lot. After ten years and all the ones that went off and got captured, still not much in the news about it. That deep state is impressive.
CHOCKEY-Dont take your guns to town sun, dont take your guns to town
Talking to you Danno. A man has to know his limitations.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Monday, 14 September 2020
Sunday, 13 September 2020
Have I been hacked and does it matter
for me no harm no foul
and thats a position
taken with foresight
despite the times
you thought
bruce springsteen
explained the world
people drove cars
that resembled them
most and most
where not born
to run
believe me I used
to drive a car
made in last century
there was something
lingering in my mind
like an Irish band
and down to rock
lost my leg
running up to Boston
so what comes next
brown cow
milk or poop
or worse
I would say
the house always
wins and they
have bet on big
there is likely some
Dr Stranglove advising
the 1% like a kardashian
for the mind if you
where in a real
time game of risk
and there are never
enough rewards
if you play the
at the God way
because for enough
people you can
do no wrong
on earth until
it ends
likely for some
mistake the fool make
with a button
that is clearly marked
ultimate destruction
the biggest sucicide
is alway the one you
never expected
Saturday, 12 September 2020
We can see the value in gold
and after that deritives
seem cheap and available
so stop buying gold
unless you want to trade
in the apocolypse
but for me
the money better
on solar
panels and isulation
and even a bullet
machine to reload
the cartrige
no body
I mean nobody
makes any more
for sale
yep good old
boys will have this
so we will have to deal
with south flyover country
in a state of disunion
and they know how
to vote
sko take
an essaty
Long long after the goldrush, a commodity that can be manipulated
Gold what is is good
if you are always
sore listing to talk
radio and the wheat\
p[utting an unfair betting
on Justin Trudeau
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
If dreams where thunder and lighting was desire
The Tampa Bay Lightning will win the covid cup
BTW thats Angel from Montgomery in the title. Google it you lousy kids
Monday, 7 September 2020
Dont give up
So long and thanks for all the fish. Liberty Blitzkrieg takes a pauser. Ground down by the man and apathetic people.
Zombie wheels no deals
Behold the Nimbl. $275K US and I want one for Christmas.
![]() |
Cassette Can from Europe |
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Raised by Wolves
I am just about to watch this series
for the first time
yeah I have never seen it
So the graphic got me
first its so Robert Hielien
ziggy stardust its
to die for
and then your
talking about
another version
of artificial intelligence
where the fate of humanity
lies within on and zero lies
because math is not the end
of the equation
Farm CHockey
Down on the farm things are looking up. Although we are missing a crop of nasty clutterbuck type players. IMHO every team needs a Wilson to win. Case in point the New York Islanders who have muscled and trapped their way to the quarterfinals. Playing against the effeminate Lightning it will be a classic battle of skill vs power.
CHockey Talk round two McSplooge Edition
Born Regis Mcsplooge is perhaps the best hockey talker ever. The Yotes are taking to him about the GM job. I want it to happen to see if the mouth can wear the skates.
What infuriates me most about the Queen of NBC is that he talks about the damn pee wee league teams all these players played in and constantly brings up their hometowns. In 2 minutes of game time youll hear him go "YEAHHHhhhH the boy out of abchorage, played for the mighty narwhals in pee wee against sidney crosby and wayne gretzky's nephew, then played college hockey at boston collge where mario lemieux bought his dog so look on for that rivarly here aginst the penguins, and YOU KNOW DOC he went on to be a hartford whaler in the minors. You know who else liked whales, Doc? big bad german born erick kunhackle who's son Tommy played basketball down at pinecrest middleschool against a jonathan toews look alike, so look out for that storyline tonight too in this one. Should prove to be a pretty interesting one here tonight Doc and Eddy" multiply that times 3000 and youve got yourself a complete hockey game narrated by Pierre McGuirre
Saturday, 5 September 2020
CHOCKEY TALK EPISODE ONE/POST ONE and this is the last one that will add up
Okay you see CHOCKY in the disclaimer but I have never had a lot to say about it.
Two reason, first the Montreal Canadiens really were not worth deep thought. Second I had other outlets to shoot the bull on. If you read my blog it should be no surprise that most outlets tire of my ridiculous tirades. So this is the only place I can not be shut down, unless I criticize Putin.
I love the Habs because I read Fire on Ice when I was two years old. I love the habs because the first time I watched hockey in colour the Habs beat Boston. I love the Habs because I love the culture of Quebec and its the only thing that keeps us from becoming a south of the border satillite.
My Favorite Habs player never saw him play but its the Rocket.
My Favorite current Habs player Jasperi Kokameni because he is fun Finn
and I am 90% finish DNA.
My Opinion of Marc Bergivan he has grown, his biggest mistake was lack of appeciation on the farm. I still think we do not teach players to skate like other pro teams, or shoot or anything. Its like player heal thyself.
Do I think Montreal will win the cup before the Weber Price widow closes YES