Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Tesla schools Jaguar
The Model X is 23% more efficient than the I Pace. Even taking into account the purchase price its still an impressive victory for Tesla over a so called Tesla killer.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
JBL neo classic Speakers
In my Ute JBL and Macintosh were the pinnacle of audio. IMHO most people could not tell the difference after the $1000 barrier of acquisition has been crossed. I include myself and I would probably buy these.
Sunday, 28 October 2018
They Live
They Live is the best B movie ever. It used to be science fiction but now its reality.
H/T Sailing Anarchy
Friday, 26 October 2018
Printing the future

Titomic has taken an old Soviet process and supersized it. Most metal 3D printers have to work in a vacuum. Their printer smashes powder at supersonic speeds. Free of a vacuum chamber the sky is the limit. For example the whole hull of a large ship could be given a titanium coat. The mechanical properties may limit aerospace manufacturing for now. The story behind the headlines is it can use Titanium sands raw.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Life Burning Wartime
To say we are at war
is to say something
has changed
we have always
been at war
and it sucks
but that is
the reality
of humans
try playing
a thousand
and exceeding
Dan Quayle
It does not
have to be
this way
no matter commusit
or any other
economic system
the secret to
stably is wealth
the Guy from Ikea
who lived in socialist
did not mind taxes
Bottom line
make everyone
happy and it do
not take a lot
and then
you can safely
park your
Classic Yes Current ReMix

Yes along with Emerson Lake and Palmer
was the sharp end of the Progressive Rock era
if Beethoven had done acid
and had a synthesizer
well you get it
its a pity
this genre has
completely disappeared
Another must listen Jon Anderson and allegedly an unaccredited Vangalis
Dyson Building an Electric Car

Dyson turned the simple vacuum cleaner
into an engineering tour d force
and in Singapore they are
going to tackle the
electric car
I am sure it
wont suck
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Fortuitous turns of events
Erodgan has a name out of Lord of the Rings, and is a character out of Game of Thrones. The disappearance of the Saudi insider Kashoggi has been manna from Heaven for him. It appears someone fell into a trap. Who would set such a device? It appears to have caught the Trump and Saud family. Today Erodgan made his long announced naked truth reveal. Whats interesting is no fact present. Where is the tape Frodo?

With the midterms days away a column of immigrants advances slowly towards the southern border of America. What a perfect assembly of bogymen for the Republicans. I am sure its just a coincidence and the mysterious benefactors of the border crossers are good Samaritans.
Future Material

First we have a formally classified Magnesium alloy thats a good compromise between carbon fiber and aluminum. You can 3D print it.

Graphene may be the most exciting material since plastic. It seems to make everything better. This concrete application is just the beginning.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
SWATH Mono Hull
I have long kicked around the idea of a better mono hull sailboat. Well the SWATH monhull above may be the greatest idea ever. The SWATH buoyancy amas would be connected to the hull with some kind of foil lift. Anybody with real deep pockets want to join my revolution?
New Home Construction Best Practices

62% of household energy is used for heating. The code for Canada should be air source heat pumps and radiant heating. I would also ban fiberglass insulation, 100% vinyl windows and asphalt shingles.
Saturday, 20 October 2018
The Kashoggi Identity

Like a character out of a Bourne
novel a so called journalist
is hacked to bits
inside the foreign embassy
and the world
asks a collective
why and who
The belated
oft changed
official story is
that Kashoggi
got into a fist fight
at the embassy
and the choke hold
of deescalation
terminated him
and we still have
not heard what
officially happened to
the body
This story will work
well for the people
who believe the official
tale of 911 and the
Kennedy assassination
the difference is
those story lines
were much better
crafted and had
plausible deniability
built in
One of my favorite
moments in history
is the publishing of
Gulliver's Travels
a book that
set much of the world
The consequences
of Kashoggi
will have a bigger
butterfly effect
unlikely to be
Friday, 19 October 2018
Politically Correct Literature

Many classics are being banned
from the schoolhouse
and IMHO old white
privileged male
opinion its a
great loss
Many of the books
I was forced to read
in school did me
a lot of good
and number one
To Kill a Mockingbird
maybe they could just
change the bad word
to N word
If there is any book
that has done more
to combat racism
by whites against blacks
than to Kill a Mocking Bird
let me know
I have no idea what
number two would
Lord of the Flies is
another under attack
and once again
its a very fine
book explaining
the animal nature
of humans and how
easily we can
succumb to it
and be manipulated
by it
How long before
1984 is on the list
because its no longer
non fiction
Wireless Switches
H/T Multihull Design Blog
This is a simple use of technology that
blows me and should blow you
Chances are half the wiring
in your house is just switches
and copper dont grow
on trees.
Less holes in the building
envelope and
hundreds of expensive
labour hours saved
Home run
for technology
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Non Playable Character

The right has seized this meme to describe the left but I think it fits many on both sides. In any event it made me LOL.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Not a hard man but repeated hard falls

I took a very hard fall
today on my bike
I was trying to beat
a light in a construction
zone and hit
something that
threw me in the
air doing 20 K
I was wearing protective
gloves and a coat with
nylon denier on the elbow
and my knees where somewhat
Long and short
I survived
my 6th
hard fall
need for a hospital
and this
one was probably
the second worse
That does not
include the 3
auto incidents
in which I walked
away but
the car totally died
Now I am watching
the show manifest
which is like LOST
without a plane
I am not lying
or I would be dying
I have escaped
the purpose
a mystery
the only thing
I know
is that
I am not
Sunday, 14 October 2018
God Damm the Preacher Man

Had Trump every done one thing
upon examination we would call
Christian in his life?
This preacher has CIA written
in the bible all over him
and yet the American Taliban
will love this photo
like Jesus bleeding on the
Saturday, 13 October 2018
Huawie and the Five Eyes

Northern Telecom was
the jewel in the crown
for Canada
then Cisco came
For US companies
Huawie is a mortal threat
and the US goverment
has been pushing back hard
I think they are practicing
projection because they
know the cell phone
is a spy in your pocket
and Social Credit is the
future construct of
My point is
no matter who
supplies the tech
it will not be working
for you
so why not
just buy
the best one?
The five eyes
is a window
from which to
view the real
governments dont
spy on their citizens
they get other
reliable governments
to do it
Friday, 12 October 2018
Bollinger Motors

I first posted 14 months ago about this highly desirable
neo Land Rover Series one.
Now they are developing a 4 door version. A product for
customers has been pushed back to 2020. Still the wait seems
worth it. I just wondered why they ditched the air bag?
Milo Mindbender Rules
Milo Mindbender
was the metaphor
for the Industrial Military Complex
now despite his efforts
the good guys won
If a conventional war
was fought today
there might be a
very different outcome
In Summary the Milo Mindbenders
masters of the USA
have squandered quite
a pile of cash on
weapons and systems
that are not world class
Maybe it has always been
so obvious
and Trump has just made
it clear
American Foreign Policy
today is nothing more
than a Black Friday
in reverse
The company forcing you
to buy by creating an environment
that is toxic
Into an area accustomed to
the gloved fist
it will be interesting to see
how far bare knuckles
can stretch the reality
distortion field
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Lots of funky Shise now on display
For generations
the funky
was kept
on the down
low so the
people of
would know
where to vote
Today all the
toilets are overflowing
and the shise
are in total
Cause the truth
it truth no more
its an option
a construct
of the top dollar
after several
focus groups
have decided
this is the message
we love you
and care so
dont worry
baby I will
always pay
child support
The shitstorm
is lathing strength
like a small squall
just off Afieca
but there is
no dodging the Hurricane
thats cumming
to reveal
the truth
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
The biggest lie I swallow daily

Its that Jesus loves me
the second biggest
is that Saudi Arabia
is somehow our
allay in building
a better world
Cognitive Dissonance
waves happening now.
WTF are the Russkies going to do?
The big Russian threat
has a lot of smoke
but the fire
is cold
What are the Russkies
doing why where and when
the answer my friend
is not blowing in the wind
the answer
is nothing
J-15 flying shark to heavy for carrier use

As reported in the Asia Times , and referenced by Business Insider, the J-31 is a 17.5 ton heavy jet, much heavier than F/A-18E/F Super Hornet’s 14.6 tons (47 tons)
The F35 C made for aircraft carrier is 60 tons!
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Russian Conventional Weapon Superiority

We all should remember the Sherman tank
slaughtered the mighty Panzer
not threw technical superiority
but sheer numbers
That being said
whether is be the lowly
or the mighty
on a level field
the USA is
playing downhill.
Five things you would like to know but no one is

The fake Microsoft call center has been busted, Yeah!

Is the Boeing 787 the commercial equivalent of the F35. The engines continue to fall apart. Interestingly the new 777x will have a traditional aluminum body. If I was having my own airliner it would be a 777 variation.

Big Media fails to crush the internet in Canada. But for sure they will keep trying. No wonder they always push the Conservative viewpoint.Ottawa we have a problem. Not the ruling, the fact is that its not covered by the MSM. Inexcusable.

Ratface skates again. In the pre season Max Domi was suspended five games for a very similar mugging. The difference Max only layed one punch. Why do Boston players get so many free shots?
Tesla is dominating the US new passenger car market. The days of the ICE engine are numbered.
Old Bullet VS New Bullet
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The old one still looks better to me
IF I where Ford the old one would be reborn as an electric car as is. Jaguar has done this with the e class to some extent.
Friday, 5 October 2018
Daddy dont care and mommie lies
The internet is a poison pill
its a honey trap
its the end of freedom
because people
like to be entertained
and lead
like the march
to march
on marching
when there is
no place left
to march
will still
line up
to see
YMCA Managed Trade Solution for Dairy
Lets spend the billions in compensation wisely
teach the cows to work for the farmers
with robots
make energy, milk and profits
under the same roof
Our agricultural policy
should be to make
Canadian food
a brand
for the purest
and healthiness
ethical food
in the world
Free Net
![]() |
Zombies dont surf |
containing the internet
free the net
with smart neighbourhoods
stop paying the
man to go online
Thursday, 4 October 2018
War Criminal Politics
It starts with a hard
issue that can
be painted black or
when really
its a rainbow
reflecting society
Mess up the colors
and you get Rwanda
or Sarajevo
The conservatives
are playing pure detective
with the fate of convicted
criminals of the worst sort
coincidentally both are female
The justice system is the
foundation of society
do not fuck with Judges
Juries or executioners of Justice
Its just like education
parents do not know
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Monday, 1 October 2018
Just a flesh wound in an existential fight for sovereignty

In a David vs Goliath battle
with the loyal opposition praying
for defeat
Justin Trudeau
played a terrible hand
extraordinarily well
and emerged with only
a couple of flesh wounds
The Dairy concessions
were nothing new
we had already agreed to the
same terms with Europe
and TPP
Patent Protection was a complete
but try fighting big Pharmacy
when they live on your border
Great Job Justin
suck it Scheer
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